2013-02-09 42 views
Let's first talk about the ambience . When I first walk into the library towards the cafe, it's pleasant with quiet ambience . Maybe because it was still early , around the time of twelve plus, it wasn't crowded . Furthermore, it's really clean and bright as well - sweet ! My friend and I proceed to the counter for menu . We saw a variety of spaghetti from mushroom (mushy) to galilee special . We took quite a long time to decide on which to eat as they have good variety of main course from sandw
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Let's first talk about the ambience . When I first walk into the library towards the cafe, it's pleasant with quiet ambience . Maybe because it was still early , around the time of twelve plus, it wasn't crowded . Furthermore, it's really clean and bright as well - sweet ! My friend and I proceed to the counter for menu . We saw a variety of spaghetti from mushroom (mushy) to galilee special . We took quite a long time to decide on which to eat as they have good variety of main course from sandwiches to spaghetti - and they all look so damn tasty !
I was really surprised when the person standing at the counter did not pissed off or even try to recommend us some sorts of food to eat; instead she waited very patiently for us to pick our food in our own sweet time . When approached , she kindly explains the dish to us like what's the ingredients and the different types of sauce - cream and tomato . When asked if the sauce could be served mixed together, she smiled sweetly and say we could only choose one .

So, we have decided to try out the different base of both which are cream and tomato mushy spaghetti .

After we paid , we got the table number and sat down . The whole environment is really pleasant and quiet - it's a really good place to chill, let our hats down and have our lunch there .

The waiting time was cool - it's the average waiting time - hey ! The spaghetti needs time to cook, right!

So .... our food is here !
Tomato base mushy (mushroom) spaghetti !
To be honest , the tomato doesn't taste too tomato . It taste like some sort of fake tomato sauce on a package . But I think they made the tomato sauce themselves that's why it has that kind of special taste . The spaghetti noodle is cook al dente - the perfect temperature to cook spaghetti . The mushroom given was adequate (: .
Then this is the cream base alternative . Unlike the tomato, it is really creamy - not those type that you will get sick of it really easily and not able to finish the dish that type . I was able to clean this dish up . Normally I would have leftovers if I were to eat cream base spaghetti , but not this one! It shows the chef ability to mix the cream sauce really well with thoughts and effort so that people won't be sick of it . Really take my hats down . Again, the spaghetti noddles are cooked al dente . I guess the chef actually time to cook their noodles - they maybe even used timer to be that precise ! (Im guessing it this way because I have been there a lot of times before and everytime, I mean everytime , the texture of the noodles are always the same .

One should really try to dine at cafe galilee at this bishan outlet if they do pass by . I can really account that the staffs there are never persistent or irritating - especially the familiar face I was see when I dine there for lunch or snacks - I think she's a mixed blood . She always carry a pleasant smile on her face (: .

About the price, don't fret - it's really worth it given the portion and quality . Gst ? Worth it as well !

Spending - under 15

The end .
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Type of Meal
Recommended Dishes
  • Cream base mushy spaghetti .