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My beloved aunt's recommendation, she brought us to Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh Eating House. It's all about having fleshy pork ribs soaking all the essence of the spicy soup. A happy boy I was, happily stripping off every bit of meat off the bone! Apparently, there's a way to make your soup more spicy or less spicy. If you want it more spicy, simply stir the soup before you drink. If not, just wait for the sediments to sink all the way to the bottom before dunking your spoon into it.Pig's kidney. It's s
If not, just wait for the sediments to sink all the way to the bottom before dunking your spoon into it.
For those who are health conscious, well, this bowl of trotters might suit you. There's more lean meat compare to fatty meat. Just like the ribs, the meat have already soaked up all the essence of the soy broth.
It's amazes how I would watch my fitter whenever intensely as I dip it into the soup. You gotta ensure that your you tiao doesn't get over soak and disintegrate. Not to mention guarding it from potential lazy bums who just wants to grab yours instead!
All in all, the dishes were rather satisfying. Apart from the dark soy sauce. I was baffled why their dark soy sauce looks like light soy sauce? My definition of a premium dark soy sauce has a dark reflective tone and it must be thick one...