200 grams of French Beans 2 tablespoons of cooking oil 2 tablespoons of minced garlic 3 tablespoons of dried shrimps (grinded) 1 teaspoon of sambal chilli powder 1 teaspoon of Superior Light Soya Sauce
Heat wok and add cooking oil. Cut French beans into 2 inch segments. Add the superior light soya sauce and cook through the beans. You may also add one to two tablespoons of home chicken broth. Let the broth steam and wait for about 3 to 5 minutes depending on the quantity of french beans. Set aside on a plate when done. Using the same wok with minimal oil, add in the minced garlic, grinded dried shrimps and sambal chilli powder. Over low heat, stir fry the ingredients ensuring that are not burned until slightly brown. Pour the fragrant ingredients on top of the cooked French beans and serve hot.
To maintain the crunchiness of this vegetable, you need to ensure these French beans are not overcooked.
Serve with hot rice or even a bowl of hot porridge as a side dish.