2013-10-06 787 views
for photos and more reviews, visit http://thelittlemomentsofmylife.blogspot.com/ (:finally i visited taste paradise for dim sum!!!!! (: i've heard about it a looooong time ago, but it's really difficult to get a reservation there! i called quite a number of times, but it was always full. finally this time i could get a reservation, but they only gave me two available timings 11am and 2pm. omg. oh well, for good food! (:i have to start with my char siew sou ($3.90 for 3) first because it was the
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for photos and more reviews, visit http://thelittlemomentsofmylife.blogspot
.com/ (:

finally i visited taste paradise for dim sum!!!!! (: i've heard about it a looooong time ago, but it's really difficult to get a reservation there!
i called quite a number of times, but it was always full. finally this time i could get a reservation, but they only gave me two available timings 11am and 2pm. omg. oh well, for good food! (:

i have to start with my char siew sou ($3.90 for 3) first because it was the best thing i tried that day. it was really really really nice. i'm not kidding you. yes, i am a fan of char siew sou, so it would most likely taste good to me, but this one was really special. the pastry was absolutely delicious! it was slightly sweet, and crumbly just-so that it fell apart in my mouth. the charsiew inside was coated with the wonderful sweet sauce which was absolutely lovely. ohmyyyy! really, you HAVE TO TRY IT. it's the best char siew sou i've ever eaten.

most of the dishes we ordered were actually pretty much the usual fare. like chee cheong fun with char siew ($4.80). but there were also variations on this, one of which i found quite interesting was the scallop version ($5.50). and i also liked the wok fried cheong fun with XO chili sauce ($5.80, see picture below)! it was fragrant, infused with the XO sauce (:

mostly ate the usual har gow ($4.80 for 4), siew mai ($4.80 for 4) and char siew bao ($3.90 for 3) which were pretty standard. the egg tart ($3.60 for 3), unlike the char siew sou, was nothing to shout about.

the steamed shanghai pork dumpling with foie gras ($7.80) was something different which we tried though! i thought it was pretty interesting (:

the pan-fried pumpkin pastry ($3.20 for 3) was pretty yummy as well. crispy on the outside, spongy inside, with a nice smooth pumpkin paste in it.

i read about taste paradise having really awesome custard buns, but why did i not see it on the menu?!?!?!??!

and we couldn't leave the place without dessert! not when there were so many nice-sounding goodies on the menu! i say 'nice-sounding' cos i was disappointed with my dessert
sighhhhh. they should really have some sort of description in their menu
bleargh. i guess it's just me. but in case you're like me and hate the taste of almond jelly, DO NOT order the steamed mashed taro served in young coconut ($8.50). it sounded absolutely delectable, and looked gorgeous. but the moment i popped a spoon of it into my mouth, i nearly spat it out because of the almond taste. YUCK
it's actually oh nee, which i like. but why why why did they did to add in the almond. this is what i call 'complete redundancy' -.- they just destroyed a perfectly wonderful dessert!
so anyway, bottomline is, if you like almond, by all means, order it. if you're like me, stay FAR away. :
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)