Ah Hoe Mee Pok features a Japanese chef, Mr Kuribara at the helm. Mr Kuribaba who used to run a Donburi stall started apprenticing at Ah Hoe Mee Pok before taking over the stall. Their menu features the Special Mee Pok which consists of mushrooms, meat slices, meat balls and abalone slices. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sat
06:00 - 15:00
Other Info
Cash Only
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Special Mee Pok Crayfish Mee Pok Large Prawn Noodle Mushroom Mince Meat Noodle Teochew Dumpling Soup
Review (2)
Level4 2016-01-03
See my full reviews & photos at = http://chefquak.com/2016/01/03/simply-delicious-mee-pok-ta-ah-hoe-mee-pok-blk-710-outlet-on-2jan2016/had the ah hoe japanese girl proprietor bakchormee ay blk 710 clementi west street 2 again today on 2.1.2016. ^^a friend organised it. we first went to blk 713. it was closed & a sign said blk 710 was opened. we went over & there was a long queue…our younger friend (3 of us) queued for 50mins from 10.45am & only got noodles 11.35amthis my second time here.the first time i try ah hoe mee pok was on a weekday at 11am on 2.11.2015.there were 9 of us & no queue, or like just 2pax ahead.not sure today’s long queue was because blk 713 stall was closed or because of festive period or saturday..in any case it should be wise to come outside rush hours on weekdays.this time friend ordered S$ bowl.still very good, like it & will go again (provided not much queue like my first time).it really was a good quality, yummy noodles, great texture totally qq & good tasty ingrdients!mustn’t be trapped with concept of bakchormee, this was simply a very good delicious noodle dish, whether it is 100% bakchormee or 90% or not at all did not quite matter la…when we finished our noodles nearer 12pm, the queue was even longer. at the slow rate they were serving, probably tale >1hrs.after that guys came my house & we had kungfu cha 功夫茶till 1.30pm.then one friend had to go for meeting, & i joined tea for a primary school ex-friends gathering. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)