The stall is located at A'Posh Bizhub continue reading
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Review (3)
Level4 2014-04-03
Looking for something healthy low calories, I was little obsessive to watch out my weight and revise my diet plan recently. Followed my friend to have our dinner, we came to order at Seng Ji Seafood Garden. This was the famous restaurant, at least regular patrons were a lot.Stall was basically well-maintained, clean and neat in appearance. Menu was put on table, quite numerous pages to browse. Ladyboss greeted us politely, she attentively recommended us the signature dishes.Beautiful humble claypot with assorted veggies served, combination was highly nutritious. Baby Corns, Carrots, Lettuce, Cabbage, Broccoli, Onions, Shrimps and Squids were added in, gray was flavourful enough to accompany plain rice. Prawn was fresh obviously, texture was springy firm. Some may use darkening soy sauce, but it didn’t. Shinny on surface which stir-fried until maximum fragrant, bowl was very appetizing. Taste wise, veggies were milder version and with little ginger aroma. Portion was generous, can served up to two persons. Price at $5.00, it considered worth-while and affordable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-08
After my last bad meal here, I have not come here to eat for quite awhile. As everywhere is crowded, father decides to come here for dinner. We order a few dishes to go with plain rice for dinner.Special Salted Egg Pork Ribs ($12)The pork is very tender that it does not taste like pork. The salted egg taste is a bit faint for me.Yam Basket ($16)The basket is very crispy outside and very soft inside. The stir fried vegetables is very crunchy.Salad You Tiao ($8)The fish cake paste in the you tiao seems to lacking of texture and tastes a bit oily.Trio Egg Spinach ($8)The vegetables is well cooked tastes quite nice.Overall the food is much improved from the last visit. Maybe because the outlet has changed ownership. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)