Cooking 101: Pan-Seared Salmon in Hollandaise Sauce
The pan-seared salmon with hollandaise sauce, capsicum mashed potato, and medley of vegetables is one of Re!Fill restaurant's signature dishes. Aside from the fact that it's healthy, it's also very easy to prepare. Serves 1 Ingredients: Cajun Spice Garlic Powder Balsamic Vinegar Chide Deep-fried ginger Mashed potato with capsicum Hollandaise sauce Mixed Vegetables Chicken stock
1.Season the salmon with Cajun and garlic powder. Just put enough to cover all sides of the fresh fish
2.Heat pan and put olive oil. Sear the fish for about 6 minutes starting with the skin. Turn it on all sides occasionally so it doesn’t get burned. After this, Chef recommends that you heat it in an oven/microwave for about five minutes to retain the crispiness of the fish.
3.While heating the fish, sauté the vegetables in the pan. Add a dash of chicken powder and about half a cup of chicken stock.
4.In a big plate, put one to two scoops of mashed potato. Place the fish on top, add the vegetables, and drizzle with hollandaise sauce.
Explore these recommended seafood restaurants Try out some Western delicacies here!
Healthy dish
pan-seared salmon
Hotel Re!
Re!fill restaurant
signature dish
Chef William Ang
OpenRice SG Editor
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