Cooking 101: Saffron Risotto Milanese Style
If you've had too much pizza or pasta, then maybe it's time you try out Risotto. Known as a poor man's dish, it has become one of Italian's most loved dishes because of its versatility. Care to try cooking your own risotto at home? Here's a recipe from Pontini Italian Restaurant's Head Chef, Domenico Piras.

Serves 4

320gm Carnaroli rice 120gm unsalted butter 120gm parmesan cheese 40gm onion (finely chopped) 20gm bone marrow 2gm saffron 4 tbsp. extra virgin oil 1 litre good chicken stock white wine, 1 glass and approximately 30gm of butter salt (to taste)


1.Bring the chicken stock to a simmer.Once ready, you can saute onion with extra virgin olive oil and 30 gm of butter in a pan.
2.Add the Carnaroli rice. After a few seconds, you can put the marrrow and saffron.
3.Add the wine and let it evaporate.
4.Gradually add the chicken stock (leder by leder) and simmer for about 16 to 18 minutes.
5.Remove the pan from the fire. Add butter, parmesan chesan cheese, and mix well.
6.Serve hot.
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Italian recipe
Italian cooking
Pontini's restaurant
Domenico Piras
Italian feature
OpenRice SG Editor
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