Foodie FantaSEA Come True at City Square Mall
Are you hooked on seafood?
From now till 29 July, 2012, be sure to drop by City Square Mall for some ‘green culinary’ family fun. For the Singapore Food Festival (SFF) 2012, Singapore’s first eco-mall will host a myriad of exciting activities in conjunction with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) for everyone to enjoy, no matter how young or old.
It’s not all about seafood at City Square Mall’s Foodie FantaSEA
Featuring over 20 F&B booths serving up delectable delights, be prepared to indulge in all kinds of food, from fresh seafood to meaty kebab. Also, take advantage of the special promotions during this period – we promise you won’t be getting such great offers elsewhere!
According to House of Seafood manager, Francis Fu, the restaurant believes in sustainable seafood consumption and doesn’t serve items like shark fin soup
That aside, WWF plays a big part in this family event and the environmental organisation hopes to educate the public on the importance of sustainable seafood consumption – something that is rather timely in view of the seafood-themed SFF this year. Learn to make the right seafood choices when consuming seafood at WWF’s game booth, and catch the local debut screening of The Mirror Never Lies, which tells the story of our changing oceans and the dramatic impact it has on a young girl’s life. So, if you can’t check out the SFF over at Marina Bay’s Waterfront Promenade, be sure to pay City Square Mall a visit for a happy stomach and smart food choices to save the Earth! ---- Address: City Square Mall, 180 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208539 (Nearest MRT station – Farrer Park MRT; Free parking redemption worth $3 with a minimum of $60 - weekdays only; Free lunchtime parking on weekdays @ 12–2.30pm) Website: Event details Scrumptious Food Fair Date: 6-22 July 2012 Time: 11am-9pm Venue: Level 1 Atrium Making a Change with WWF Singapore Date: 16-22 July 2012 Time: 11am-10pm Venue: Basement 1 (Near the MRT entrance) Movie screening of The Mirror Never Lies Date: 21 July 2012 Time: 7.30-9.30pm Venue: B1 Fountain Square More fantastic eats in Little India Seafood restaurants recommended by our foodies
Singapore Food Festival 2012
City Square Mall
Foodie FantaSEA
sustainable seafood consumption
OpenRice SG Editor
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