2011-10-07 26 views
Not sure Celebrating a good friend's birthday and decided to go to Spice Peranakan as she loves Peranakan cuisine and we have a meeting near Biopolis. We were a party of 6 and we had: 1) Lemongrass Drink - good and strong but not overpowering. 2) Tofu Tempra - nicely deep fried to achieve the crusty coat with soft insides. 3) Ngo Hiang - good with nice, thin crusty skin and tasty fillings 4) Chap Chye - I don't like Chap Chye to start with so this dish didn't impress me 5) Bakwan Kepeting - the
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Not sure Celebrating a good friend's birthday and decided to go to Spice Peranakan as she loves Peranakan cuisine and we have a meeting near Biopolis.

We were a party of 6 and we had:

1) Lemongrass Drink - good and strong but not overpowering.

2) Tofu Tempra - nicely deep fried to achieve the crusty coat with soft insides.

3) Ngo Hiang - good with nice, thin crusty skin and tasty fillings

4) Chap Chye - I don't like Chap Chye to start with so this dish didn't impress me

5) Bakwan Kepeting - the Bakwan was BIG! So only one ball per person but it's got crabmeat that is mixed with minced pork. The result is very tasty meatball that leaves you covering your neighbour's meatball!!

6) Ayam Buah Keluak - this one was only ok. Not like the ones I enjoyed in Melaka at all!!

7) Otak Otak - this one can tell it's homemade. Nice but I would prefer it spicier.

8) Ikan Assam Pedas - at $18.90 a bowl, I expected a bigger fish and the tasty I felt was not intense enough.

9) Chendol - my colleagues all enjoyed the thick sweet concoction.

10) Bubur Cha Cha - I alone found the dessert very well-done. Not too sweet and bowl was full of ingredients.

Although the food was decent enough, I would say the company was far more enjoyable than the meal.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Date of Visit
Spending Per Head
$29 (Lunch)