6311 8188
6311 8189
獲獎無數的華樂酒家創立於1988年,自1991年起連續被新加坡奢華生活雜誌《Singapore Tatler》評為“新加坡最棒的餐廳”之一,並從1997年至今連續被《Wine & Dine》雜誌列入“新加坡頂級餐廳”名單。 餐廳設計典雅,室內的現代風格融合了東方的韻味,一盞雍容華貴的大吊燈照亮了大廳,我們精美別緻的餐具配合廚師團隊所展現的烹飪藝術並為您提供最貼心的熱情服務。 匠心獨運的傳統粵菜受到現代風格的啟發,配合餐廳使用世界各地頂級食材的昇華,為我們呈現了諸多經典與佳餚。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 21:30
11:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 21:30
Visa Master 現金
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賽螃蟹海鮮餃 焗菠蘿叉燒包 炸百花皮蛋 雞油花雕龍蝦麵線
食評 (20)
凌晨到埗,風塵僕僕地到親友家睡了一小覺後算是回復了精神,也沒有多少時差的問題午飯後輕鬆周圍行一行,叫做初步認識一下新加坡的街道市貌後又到晚餐時間剛好當日興之所至,一行人來到Carlton酒店內的Wah Lok 華樂酒家難得可以嚐嚐四星酒店的中菜,若非大堆人聚會,我們大概在掃道地街頭小食了先有木耳醋青瓜作爽口清新的開胃小食,另外亦附上了其他後用的調味佐料席間基本上是大家見面寒暄一下,作一個聆聽者,因為太久沒有見面,其後才比較多話題前菜小食有脆皮燒肉,層層薄脂瘦肉相疊,不至乾韌柴口切成一口大小,鹹度適中,亦見香潤,不需多沾醬汁也足夠另一道是水潤多汁的涼拌車厘茄,酸甜開胃,爆汁一刻尤其清爽之後竟見我十分喜歡的北京片皮鴨,不過上菜方式及用料與多年來嚐到的顯然不同首先店方以粉紅蝦片墊起薄脆鴨皮,確保即使鴨油滲出也不會軟化皮層,同時為蝦片提香相配的青瓜、蔥段及醬汁沒有太大落差,只是餅皮就似春卷片,正方形,薄而滑身不太習慣餅皮的味道及質感,但是鴨皮的脆香確是頗討喜的後有菜乾湯,味濃甜而不油膩,叫做暖一暖胃都不錯同一環節趁機點了酸梅湯,因聽聞新加坡少見涼茶,就怕之後數天不能與廿四味相見先下手為強,酸酸甜甜夠開胃去膩,應比涼茶溫和,亦可以消消暑這時候,竟見鮑魚登場,滿滿的鮑汁以微透的晶亮光感襯托主角鮑魚肉彈不韌,自身本味沒有被稠濃鮑汁蓋過,也不怕膩滯以菜葉作底相搭,來一點青意清新,食時心裏罪惡感低一點再來蒸魚及燒雞等中式宴會常見菜式,個人是頗喜歡燒雞皮薄脂少無膩感蔬菜纖維亦有顧及,補足不甩漏,在後段時候奉桌,烹調方式簡單,去膩不錯其實早前鮑魚一戰還剩下了鮑汁,頓時叫了白飯相伴,食落依然夠香口只要輕拌一拌,不要讓其浸泡過久至濕爛,那就是傳說中的鮑汁撈飯其實同場還有肉絲乾燒伊麵,常見的酒樓菜,作為最後的澱粉質,乾爽不油,但味道稍淡甜品方面選擇意外地不少,云云之中選擇了桂花糕拼美人腰桂花糕分兩層,上層清爽富花香,下層為香芒布甸,卻來得不協調美人腰外脆內鬆化酥綿,中間有甜得溫和的吉士餡,小小一件不至甜膩,反而恰到好處整體而言是中規中矩的一頓飯,或者是我們沒有點到表現最為出色的菜式吧?Wah Lok 華樂酒家+65 6311 8188/ +65 6311 8189Level 2, 76 Bras Basah Rd, Carlton Hotel, Singapore 189558星期一至六 1130-1430 1830-2230 日及公眾假期 11-1430 1830-2230 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-05-20
399 瀏覽
For pictures and full review, pls visit:http://madamechewy.com/2015/05/20/wah-lok-dim-sum/I’ve heard many positive reviews on Wah Lok’s dim sum and finally had the time to check it out. This is my first time at Carlton Hotel and I was impressed by the spacious lobby, featuring an eye-catching chandelier made out of blown glass.The grand entrance of the restaurant. I noticed numerous awards are display on the right; this upped my anticipation. Wah Lok’s decor is sophisticated, with Oriental architecture features and motifs. Tables are spaced comfortably apart. Service is brisk and helpful.Unlike most restaurants that offer their dim sum in portions of 3, Wah Lok accommodated our request for 4 portions. No need to cut (and at the same time ruin) the dim sum for sharing. Fantastic!No comments about the dish indicates I find it passable. I’ll elaborate further on the notable items, and also those I find lacklustre.Wah Lok has a fixed soup of the day from Mondays to Saturdays. On Sundays, it varies. On this particular Sunday, it was Shark’s Fin Melon Soup ($7.50), aka 鱼翅瓜 soup. Don’t worry, no sharks were used to prepare this. The main ingredient is a type of melon, which got its name from its resemblance to shark’s fin. The texture of the melon is beautiful- juicy and soft noodle-like strands. Slurping up the melon and fortifying soup was a joy!The Roasted Pork ($12) had enticing crackling skin, but the flesh itself was a tad dry and not as melt-in-the-mouth as expected.Large Steamed Prawn Dumplings ($6.80/4 pcs) came with shimmery translucent skin which held the fresh, crunchy prawns very well. The Steamed Pork Dumplings ($6/4 pcs) was another well-executed classic. Nice bouncy texture with great flavours from the fresh pork and mushroom.Century Egg with Pork Congee ($6.80) and Pig Liver Congee ($6.80). Portions were small for the price.Deep fried Beancurd Skin Rolls with Shrimps($9.20) and Deep Fried Prawn Dumplings ($6/4 pcs) were delightfully crispy and not at all oily.Steamed Carrot Cake ($4)Steamed BBQ Pork Buns ($4.80/ 3 pcs)The Steamed Custard and Egg Yolk Buns ($4.80) were having a bad day; they failed to flow. The custard was too sweet as well, overshadowing the salted egg yolk flavour.Deep Fried Crabmeat and Scallop Balls with Chilli Sauce ($10). What a convenient and fuss-free way to enjoy chilli crab, made even better with succulent scallops. The gravy is truly highlight here- addictively spicy and tasty.The Baked Mini Egg Tarts ($6/4 pcs) could do with a more flaky and buttery pastry.We rounded off the excellent lunch with appealing desserts- Cold Aloe Vera with Lemongrass ($6) and Chilled Green Apple Jelly with Chrysanthemum ($6).While prices may be a bit steep for Wah Lok, the quality, execution, ambiance and service makes it worthwhile.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-10-06
778 瀏覽
Dropped by my favourite dim sum place, Wah Lok, with my friends one weekday afternoon for a leisurely lunch. Suckling Pig ComboWe had the suckling pig and BBQ pork combination and it honestly wasn't a very good start to our meal. The BBQ pork sported a beautiful sheen but lacked bite whilst the suckling pig had a nice crisp skin to it but came across as overwhelmingly oily. Steamed Pork DumplingThe 烧卖 had a rather low fat to meat ratio thus didn't come across as too overwhelming. Pretty good.Deep Fried Beancurd Skin RollA crisp but a wee bit too oily exterior packed with crunchy prawns. Best eaten hot!Steamed Custard BunsNow this wasn't quite impressive. The flowing custard lacked the saltiness and texture of egg yolk. It was just plain sweet honestly.Steamed Prawn DumplingsFresh tasting, crunchy prawns all bundled up in a thin, semi translucent skin. What's not to like?Steamed Crabmeat DumplingThis tasted rather similar to the steamed prawn dumplings except that it was filled with crab paste instead of prawns and wrapped up in a mildly stretchable, semi translucent skin. Pretty decent.Steamed BBQ Pork Cheong FunAnother dim sum staple, the BBQ pork cheong fun boasted silky smooth skin with generous servings of BBQ pork within, all sitting in a pool of light soya sauce. Nice!Steamed Carrot CakeThe steamed carrot cake honestly didn't look like much but it came across as smooth, moist and encrusted with savoury dried shrimps. Simple yet nice!Baked BBQ Pork BunOne of the signature dishes of Wah Lok, the baked BBQ pork bun ranks a close third behind that of Tim Ho Wan and Lung King Heen (top of my chart) in my humble opinion. Sporting a darker than usual colour probably due to a slight overbaking, the bun had a nice crusty top with mildly viscous, semi sweet pork filling encased in soft dough. Abalone & Chicken PieExhibiting a nice sheen on the crust, the abalone and chicken pie was wonderfully buttery with generous bits of moist chicken and abalone cocooned within. It was so good that we had 2 servings!Baked Mini Egg TartsQuivery, not too sweet custard center on a flaky tart base. Pretty good but the tart could do with a little more butter in my humble opinion.Baked Custard PastriesOne of my must order dishes whenever I visit Wah Lok, the baked custard pasty (美人腰) was as good as my previous visit. "Lithe" and flaky with a smooth and sweetly satisfying custard filling.Homemade Soya BeancurdTo round up our largely excellent lunch, I had the homemade soya beancurd with gingko nut and chestnut. Though smooth, it honestly wasn't my cup of tea due to the amount of gelatin in it. I personally prefer the silky smooth, soft type. I did like the crunchiness from the chestnuts though.BillThe 3 of us racked up a bill of over $150 for a pretty satisfying meal, in terms of quality and quantity. Wah Lok has been very consistent over the years and I look forward to returning soon!Final Verdict:Ambience: 7/10Service: 7/10Food: 7.5/10Value for money: 7/10Overall: 7.125/10Address: 2nd floor, Carlton HotelContact: 63118188/9Opening Hours:Lunch 11:30 am - 2.30 pm (Mon - Sat); 11 am - 2:30 pm (Sun & PH)Dinner 6:30 pm - 10:30 pmWebsite: http://www.carlton.com.sg/dining_wah.htm 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-04-21
587 瀏覽
For full review, please visit us at http://www.makeyourcaloriescount.com/2014/04/sg-wah-lok-cantonese-restaurant.htmlWah Lok at Carlton Hotel is a familiar name for most food connoisseurs given its sterling track record and list of accolades to its name. Consistently ranked by Singapore Tatler Magazine within the list of "Singapore's Best Restaurants" and Wine & Dine for "Singapore's Top Restaurants", can it continue to impress its fine diners after all these years?While most restaurants offer their dim sum in portions of three, Wah Lok was able to prepare four portions for each of the dim sum dishes. Personally, I felt that was nice gesture especially if you are playing host to business associates or simply a lunch gathering with a few friends.Baked barbecued pork polo bun (polo char siew bao) | S$6++/4pcsOn hindsight, this was one of my favourite dim sum dishes at Wah Lok. If you are a fan of baked char siew buns and polo buns, be sure to give this a shot. The crust of the polo bun was a beautiful crisp layer which complemented the overlying soft and fluffy bun. A subtle hint of sweetness stood out from the fragrant diced char siew, leaving us to crave for the next bite.Baked barbecued pork pastry (char siew sou) | S$8++/4pcsThe true test to a dim sum chef lies in perfecting the classic dishes such as this or more commonly known as char siew sou. Beautifully baked with a coat of golden brown, the flaky pastry crumbled upon the first bite and the aroma of the char siew took centerstage almost immediately. Surely a must-try in my personal opinion.Steamed prawn dumpling (har gao) | S$6.80/4pcsWe enjoyed the juiciness and burst of freshness wrapped within the thin layer of dumpling skin. What I also liked was that subtle hint of natural sweetness that lingered. This was one of those classics done right that would instantly bring a smile to your face.Steamed pork dumpling (siew mai) | S$6++/4pcsAll that needs to be done with the siew mai is to pop it into your mouth and enjoy the succulence of the pork dumpling coming through in a palatable manner. Like the har gao, there was a hint of natural sweetness from the fresh minced pork and reminiscing the flavours while writing was enough to make me salivate once more!Carrot cake (stir-fried style) | S$8/++When the dish was served, it was not quite what I had in mind but the large chunks of finely-grated radish made it one a palatable dish. Stir-fried and tossed with crunchy bean sprouts and fried shallots, we enjoyed the complementing layers of texture when tasted together with the soft and moist radish.Barbecued combination of char siew and roast duck (siew mei) | S$22/++Quite frankly, this was one of the few lacklustre dishes on the table. While the barbecued and honey-glazed char siew was prepared in a truly Cantonese fashion, I felt that it was too lean for me and as such failed to shine. The roast duck on the other hand tasted pedestrian as I would have preferred the skin to have a nice crisp while the meat to remain tender and moist. On this occasion, I felt that the duck breast was slightly too stiff for my liking.Baked mini egg tarts | S$6++/4pcsAlways on the hunt for the best egg tart in Singapore, I felt that this certainly made it to our "must-try" list as the flaky pastry was almost melt-in-your-mouth while the fragrant egg custard sitting in the middle carried a desired level of sweetness to please.Steamed custard bun | S$6.40/4pcsLeaving the best to the last, the steamed custard bun is almost a dessert itself with a rich and creamy filling. Like most of the other dishes, the sweetness that cut across my palate was comforting with its mildness. While I enjoyed the fluff of the bun, the layer was too thick for my liking.Despite the focus on dim sum, we also had a plate of greens, stir-fried kailan with garlic (S$16/++) which was cooked perfectly, allowing the kailan to retain succulence and crunch. Ending off on a sweet note, we had the herbal jelly (S$9/++) and cream of pomelo & mango (SS6/++) to share and both desserts hit the right notes to a sumptuous dim sum lunch.We enjoyed the ambience at Wah Lok as it reminded me fondly of a few classic Chinese restaurants such as Fook Lam Moon or Luk Yu Tea House in Hong Kong. Hearing the service crew converse in Cantonese always gave that extra homely feeling and with the quality classic dim sum dishes served, it is a place which makes customers return. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-03-06
370 瀏覽
First impression wasn't too good when i first arrived at the reception area! The staff was shouting to the customer on the phone. It was a "oh my god" moment. Waited a while and was usher in to our table. We ordered the usual items to try first. I can't recall every items but based on the available photos i took, i try my best ok =)Po Lo Bun - Lovely skin texture for the buns and the char siew filling is nice and moist! Pretty well executed for this dish. Char Siew Sou - I always love the flaky crisp texture of the skin + the char siew filling. The ones here didn't disappoint.Carrot Cake with XO Sauce - This one i remembered it was decent but i didn't eat much cause was busy chatting when it arrived on my table.Mini Egg Tart - This is nice! And being mini size, it's so easy to eat =) Custard Bun - Judging from my pictures, i don't have to give any caption or description at all. Haha! Just look at the oozing goodness coming from the bun. Chicken Feet - This is always a must order dish for dim sum! I like it enough to order a second serving. Zha Leong - Fried dough stick wrapped with chee cheong fan. Not everywhere has this but seems to be gradually getting more popular. I find this ok, no wow factor though. Overall, dim sum is rather good. Taste wise may be slightly on the saltier side! Price is of cause on the higher side too. Personally i thought service can be improve cause they seems to be rushing around and also not much smiles on their face. Maybe i'm not atas enough so not keen to entertain me. Haha 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)