Steamed Healthy.Stewed Soup, a new stall that had taken over Pontian's Wanton Mee Stall in West Coast Market and Food Centre. Patrons have one more choice for healthier food now. It seems rather interesting to have people carrying dishes of steamed trays walked pass us as they are the only one in the hawker centre with special "plates".Price quoted on their signboard does not include white rice, if you want then you have to top up at addtional price of $0.50. The steamed patties tasted great with preserved vegetables in between the meat and the amount of soya sauce had blended in well.While the steamed egg tasted close to the meat patties above. The dish will be a little salty if one was to eat without rice. The "Veg" (the side dish) that comes with every meal. Braised peanuts was given and was rather crunchy accompanied with white rice.Their specialties in healthy food had attracted health watchers at an attractive pricing. I will definitely make a return to try out more on other kinds of dishes offered.