Mellben Seafood is known for their crab dishes especially crab beehoon and cream crabs.
10:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
非常好吃,食材新鮮,有冇味精,蟹好大隻,價錢合理,服務又好招呼周到。餐廳名字已改了Kitty Jie Seafood. 所以大家要小心唔好以為去錯餐廳其實都係同一間。
去星加坡一定要食胡椒蟹,其實本身唔係一個鍾意食蟹嘅人(因為太懶剝殼.....🙈🙈🙈),自從三年前喺星加坡食咗呢間之後,就一直掛住隻蟹掛到依家🤤🤤🤤所以今次一落機就即刻仆到去食🏃🏻💨💨💨💨三年前係喺AMK嗰間度食,由於唔係太熟星加坡嘅交通,覺得地鐵再轉巴士有啲麻煩😅今次去咗呢間係喺Toa Payoh,唔算好遠,地鐵出嚟行15分鐘就到💁🏻雖然話星加坡出名胡椒蟹,但其實我最掛住嘅係呢度嘅辣椒蟹點饅頭🦀🦀🥖🥖🥖其實啲蟹真係好大碟⋯⋯係應該一班人黎食會開心啲👱🏻♀️👦🏻👱🏻👧🏾👨🏻👩🏻可惜我呢排減肥要一個人食......(獨食難d肥.......係咪好無聊🤣🤣🤣🤣)佢呢度每一道蟹最少都要一隻蟹計起,蟹鉗係手板咁大🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻啖啖肉😋😋辣椒汁唔算好辣,酸酸甜甜仲撈左啲蟹肉🦀好想用饅頭成盤點晒佢🙊除咗辣椒蟹,今次我仲叫咗蟹米線。呢個都係要一隻蟹咁計,係成隻蟹🦀🦀用來做米線湯底。個湯好好味!!不過,始終蟹肉浸係湯度係會冇咁彈牙嘅...但係個米線真係好好味!架值得一試🍜🍜🍜🍜雖然係一個人食,我都仲係忍唔住叫咗個黃金四季豆🙈🙈🙈🙈自己本身好鍾意食黃金嘅嘢,呢個四季豆每一條都沾滿咗鹹蛋黃好味到爆!!🤤🤤🤤🤤不過一個人食真係有啲over....所以都係話叫多幾個人一齊share會開心啲😅😅🙈🙈好飽。。實在太飽。。。🤢🤢記住記住,一定要叫多啲人一齊食先好去😬😬
第一次來新加士坡試螃蟹,經朋友介紹來這一間,下午六點鐘左右到,坐在門口,可能下午下了雨关係,完全沒有暑熱感。回到正題,厨房師傅的厨藝很好,很多菜式都烹煮出其獨特味道,我們一行7人,點了黑椒榜蟹和奶油榜蟹共九道小菜,相對較出色為奶油榜蟹,在汁醬上加上少許微辣提鮮而消減油膩,加上脆炸饅頭為之一絕,蟹肉豐富新鮮,唯一扣分為斯里蘭卡蟹肉肉味不足。而黑椒螃蟹並沒有想像中的辛辣,剛入口時只有微量黑椒辣味感覺, 及後黑椒的香辣味慢慢滲入味蕾,但黑椒汁的味道與饅頭唔夾 ,所以沒有用漫頭點黑椒汁食, 但十分喜愛黑椒味慢慢從味蕾滲出來的感覺。如果喜歡素食的話,推介炸豆腐,豆腐內嫩外脆,無論賣相食味道一流。最重要的事 並不會用重味精嚟調味,所以食完並未有多飲水都不覺得口渴,這正是廚師做出嚟應有的高水準廚藝,而香港的餐廳酒樓很多師傅都用重重味精提升鮮味。食完埋單才三百七十多坡紙元落樓。 但要注意的事項,是埋單的時候,看清楚自己的帳單和自己所點的菜式才結帳。 至於點解會推介,我們一行七人, 因為行程關係 ,下午三點多才午飯完畢, 六點鐘多啲再次晚飯, 除了淨下雞煲裏的少許雞肉,檯裡面的食物全部清掉,已經不言而喻。
Honestly the food here is good. Of course it's not cheap but not crazy-Jumbo prices either. The items that we're oh-so-good were:1) Crab in Broth - we paid for extra Beehoon and soup and it's super worth it! The broth was thick with favour and the crab, tho not huge, was fresh. The flesh came apart nicely and easily. Indication of freshness to me. Easily best dish of the night. 2) Guinness Pork Ribs - very well marinated ribs with excellent taste. Doesn't taste like Guinness at all. Very very tasty dish. 3) Broccoli with Beancurd Skin & Mushrooms - it's essentially a very simple dish but don't very very nice!4) Creamy Butter prawns - it's really prawn in thick salted eggs sauce. What's NOT to like?! Large fresh prawns in savory sauce! Makes you wanna scoop up all that sauce after you're done with the prawns. Other dishes are decent but the above of special mention worthy. Will be back again.
Visited the famous Crab place nearby my house, Melben Seafood was always the resturant I crave for. Be prepared for the waiting time, the business was extremely good. Service was prompt and accurate without any delay, environment was cozy and airy. This was the first dish served, shiny veggies with garlic looked delicious. Familiar home-style frying, the taste was decent and straightforward. Well, the plate was too many mushrooms on top. Starchy gravy with healthy Tofu, it was silky smooth and crispy at skin. Not really like mushrooms, I ate only Tofu. The favourite dish I found was the Crab, other things were average only. Butter creamy gravy leaved me licking my finger, I was totally lost my image. No doubt the price was not cheap, but the seafood served was all fresh and solid guaranteed.