So my lunchtime adventures continue with Mamak Mullet at Abdul Basith.I've had the Mutton Steak so how about the Mutton Chop?Patrons of T1... Rejoice! How can you possibly go wrong with that?Nice tender mutton morsels swimming in the Mamak's magical spicy gravy.On the side you have cucumber, tomatoes, peas, fried potatoes and a nicely fried egg.And if you can take the heat, ask the Mamak to make it spicy.*Droooooollll*Firstly, the mutton is super tender as usual.And don't be fooled - those are not the frozen french fries kind of potato. It's actual potato sliced up and fried up to a nice yummy brown. Veggies on the side is always a good thing right?But let me tell you - once you break that egg yolk and it starts running all over the place you are going to have a delicious time spooning it up with some mutton and gravy.Oh come on. You know what I'm talking about. And another plus is that the mutton is in actual pieces.Why is this a big deal? Because some places will serve you with mutton that has been minced and somehow that takes a slight kick out of a plate of mutton chop because there's nothing like taking a nice big bite into a chunk of meat. It's the animal instinct I tell you.And have I mentioned how tender the mutton is?I've eaten this at this stall at least 5 times by now.The problem with this stall seems to be the consistency of cooking...Here's a tip - if you order, check if the old guy or the Mamak Mullet who cooks it.If it's the young guy with short hair or the woman then sorry might not be so nice.Yes that's right. Full marks.Now I've had a lot of Mutton Chop(s) from a lot of places but this one might actually be one of the best ones I've ever had. Ever. Seriously. Go try.For the full review and more mouth-watering pictures, visit our blog now!