Astons Specialities had its humble beginnings in a coffeeshop along East Coast Road. Before long, it gathered a loyal following for its tasty fare, reasonable prices and sincere service. Within a few years, the Astons brand established itself as a household name, synonymous with quality and affordability.
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 23:00
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雖說新加坡之行的飲食目標是一嚐道地美食,主攻街頭小食,但是還有例外的時候 跟親友一行人相聚,跟隨他們來到The Cathay Building,一為看電影,同時亦為尋晚餐 無懼長長人龍,照衝著Astons Specialities而去,排隊逾半小時等候的它到底是何方神聖? Aston實為連鎖餐廳,分有Specialities、Express、Steak & Salad及Andes四個品牌 目標群體不盡相同,但中心理念仍是在維持合理價位的同時,供應有質素的西式美食 最平是Express,這次的Astons Specialities及Andes在中,Steak & Salad是高價路線 主菜可選八款雞、四款魚、逾十款豬牛羊、意粉及漢堡,另設多樣化的前菜、配菜及小食 先在門口櫃台點餐加結賬,再等職員送上餐點,半自助式可以食完就走,流程算快捷暢順 Prime Sirloin S$15.9配有兩款伴菜,有冷有熱共約十四款,單是選餐已經夠困難 另外加點的飲品只是簡單Freshly Brewed Coffee S$1.9,就算入夜都要吸收咖啡因 不加奶不加糖,事實上是為其去膩之效,想健康些少可以選擇飲下茶 西冷烤至帶明顯而整齊的格紋,外為褐棕,內為Medium的嫩紅色澤 厚度合宜,肉腍鬆軟,濕潤不老韌,肉香不算濃郁,沒有腥臊或雪味 調味不重手,食時不蘸醬會更貼近原味,大概6oz的量再加配菜,計番港紙唔使九十蚊 配菜Mac & Cheese及Onion Rings均為熱食,老老實實係要配Comfort Food先啱 前者貝殼粉仍留些少咬口,拌入細滑帶鹹香芝味的芝士醬未至太膩滯 後者乾爽,不過炸層沒有鬆脆感,倒像灌了個硬身麵粉外殼,不夠香口 若果三心兩意,認為只配兩款唔夠喉,可以另加配菜 S$2.5,視乎需要 不過思及飽餐一頓後要坐係度唔郁咁睇個幾兩個鐘戲,都係算把啦 Astons http://www.astons.com.sg/ 2 Handy Road, The Cathay Building #04-03/04, Singapore 229233 +65 6887 5889 星期日至四 1130-22 五、六及公眾假期前夕 1130-23
For me, Astons was not the first place I will think of whenever I carved for Western Food. I have countless experiences with them, some was great while some was bad. After deciding the place, I and boyfriend headed to Cathay branch. Simple wood-based furnishing, environment was comfy bright in general. Quite crowded during the peak dinner hour, all their seats almost fully occupied. Attentive staffs served us, they were friendly and readily to help. Attractive Menu given, we were spoilt for choices indeed.Came along with two side dishes, we opted for Coleslaw and Fries at the end. Generous serving as photo shown, the plate was filling and satisfying. Drenched in a Sea of Black Pepper Sauce, it was well-accompanied my Chicken and Pork chop. The velvet smooth pieces slid down, meat was grilled to right doneness. Fries was crisp crunchy while veggies were freshly delightful, combination was a pretty match. Cheaper alternative to have luxury Western Cuisine, perhaps it may not be the best Steakhouse yet it was definitely good enough to make out a meal off.
Blog review : http://cennds.blogspot.comIt was a met up session with my friends and we were looking for afforable western food of steak and chicken chop. Recommended by my friends to visit Aston since they have a variety of food in a reasonable price. So ? Why Not to vist a place which can enjoy steak , burger , chicken chop , salmon , mutton in a reasonable prices. They have different sauce that you can taste and choose. If you wan to try different sauces, please do so as there is no additional charges when you request for it ..Food is served with 2 side dishes ( up to your choice ) The side dish consists of salad , maraconi cheese, various side made from potato such asfrench fries , baked potato , wedges potato , and mashed potatoChicken Chop served with in Chicken Lime Sauce The lovely sweet lime sauce makes the food taste better. Well cooked of macaroni and love cheese neither too creamy. Baked potato was served pretty good and it was not over -baked.Roof Beer , Grape , Ice Lemon TeaCrispy Chicken with saladGood to have a GREEN while you eating a fried food. Simple side dishes of salad mixed in mayoneise sauce and found the delectable crispy of chicken skinDouble Chicken Steak 2 Chicken steak to fill up your stomach and up to your choice to choose for the type of servings etiher grill or fried. Double chicken chop is worth it for the price of $12.90. ( Cripsy Chicken and Chicken Chop with with baked potato and french fries )( Chicken chop with onion rings and baked potato )No GST & Service charged in your bill. It might be included in their food's price alreadyWhat i mean here ?? Well , when you go in to the restaurant, and you order food with the price of $8.90 you only need to pay $8.90 .. Usually when we go to restaurant , we have to pay for the GST , service charged , etcBut in Aston Food & Beverage Specialties doesn't require you to pay.
This Astons outlet located in The Cathay is conveniently located for people who are looking for a good meal before or after a movie. My favourite is the black pepper steak that also comes with 2 sides. The amount of black pepper sauce on the steak is generous. Among all the sides, I will recommend the Macaroni and Cheese for cheese lovers like me. The service is generally okay.
Aston serves very affordable and yummy western food. I'm always here when I'm feeling budget.My favorite combination in Astons. Black pepper chicken ($7.90) with 2 free sides. I like to have mashed potato and coleslaw as my sides as they are simple and nice. And I usually like to have 1 hot and 1 cold sides.The black pepper chicken is very well flavored. Love the black pepper sauce and the chicken is very well marinated. The skin taste so good too! Overall, I find that the food in Astons are very value for money.