Drinks4 cups of barley drinks were purchased with 1 cup as the warm version while the rest is cold.Every cup comes with a red marking "3149" to indicate that those cups belongs to Feng Quan Chai Shi as it's unit is #03-149. Though the cup is quite big, the quality is below par. It was simply too diluted for the cold barley while the warm barley is still within acceptable range. There was no sweetness in the drinks and no barley grains were included. What a disappointment!ServiceService received is of average. PricePrice is of market standard but I will prefer to have a richer taste in the barley drink with sweetness.
Drank this feng quan hot milo in Tamah Jurong market, and look at the unique cups they had! Well, all the cups in the cups come with different design and I think is good, cause the store holder does not had to spend money to the transparent glass cup. Honestly speaking, other than making it look more atas, I do not see a different between using the transparent glass cup and the more home-like cup, because we are still sharing saliva afterall (if they didn’t watch it properly). Well, this store really makes nice and thick milo, which worth the price. The sugar they added to the cup was just nice, it was neither too sweet (for the elderly) nor to bland (for the young). I will definitely try again if I got the chance.