We did not fancy the heavy, sucrose-rich and over the top muffins and cakes to go with our Starbucks coffee, so we were glad we didn't buy any because we later stumbled upon a tiny Ritz shop among a cluster of others selling pastries and other goodies for takeaway. The mini strudels at Ritz are big enough to be sliced up and shared by a couple or even among 3 pax. These were attractively priced at only $4.50 per mini strudel which was a good 9" long. We had a hard time choosing between original apple strudel, blueberry strudel, mango strudel and peach strudel. We couldn't resist buying twotypes if mini strudel and still had change left for $10. The strudel pastry was light as air crispy, the custard was creamy and smooth without being cloyingly sweet while the fruit filling provided a refreshing contrast of textures. The apple strudel was nice but I would have preferred bigger chunks of stewed apple as opposed to tiny diced pieces. The peach strudel was fautless. For the wallet-friendly prices, the use of canned as opposed to fresh/seasonal peaches was perfectly acceptable..
Arriving by bus # 7, 12, 14, 14e, 16, 36, 65, 77, 85, 106, 111, 124, 128, 139, 162, 162M, 167, 171, 174, 174e, 175, 190, 502, 502A, 512, 518A, Nite Owl 65, Nite Owl 85, SN10, SN30, 518, 602, 605, 625, 652, 700, 700A, 850E, 951E, 971E, 972, 1N, 2N, 3N, 4N, 5N, 6N, NR6, NR7. Bus-stop name; Bedok Interchange or Arriving by MRT: Bedok MRT (EW5)
6702 4011
Currently, Ritz Apple Strudel is serving strudels that come in seven flavours. The flavours are: apple, mango, peach, blueberry, durian, strawberry and chocolate. Apart from the strudels, Ritz Apple Strudel also offers a selection of pastries and cakes such as cheesecake, brownie, mini puffs, durian puffs, apple pie, strawberry pie, blueberry pie, cherry pie, peach pie, custard puff and many more.
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
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