SLICE is the first quick service restaurant in Singapore that serves pizza by the slice. Customers can choose to order pizzas by the slice or take-and-bake (take away the pizza and bake it yourself). 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 01:00
11:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Salmon Rocket Tandoori Chicken The Butcher
食評 (4)
I have bought two pieces of Qoo10.sg coupons to get their pizza at $2.99 per piece. I have shared it with my fellow friend and we have order 1 piece of teriyaki chicken pizza and 1 piece of their fiery prawn pizza over at their counter. The staffs are friendly and quite approachable. Really like the bright yellow layout of this restaurant which make it looks young and colourful. As not much people were dining in, we have quite a comfortable meal in this restaurant. The pizza's crust is crispy and not too dry. The teriyaki chicken is quite moist with the nice fragrant of the teriyaki sauce topped on to the chunky chicken meat. The fiery prawn was not too bad, which I really like the big sized prawns topped on it, which are very fresh and crunchy. Will buy the coupon again to try out other flavour pizzas some other days. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-04-27
10 瀏覽
Even though I have actually joined in a long queue during my purchase, but the service staffs took only around ten minutes to serve the food to my table. Thanks to their innovative fast baking method, which only took them only five minutes to have the pizza baked upon order. Generous amount of sliced chicken meats with lots of teriyaki sauce and mayonise sauce are topped on it, which is simply delicious and very appetitizing. For small eaters, one whole rectangle size of pizza is good to served two persons. The pizza crust is super crunchy too. Staffs are friendly and the restaurant environment is clean and bright. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-04-01
9 瀏覽
Not fantastic but decent for a quick and affordable meal. Tried the mushroom pizza, crust was thin and the portion of mushrooms was acceptable. It comes as a set with a drink or soup. Might be a good dining option as food places around that area shut down rather early. The staff was courteous and efficient as well, my meal was ready in about 10 mins, considering that the pizza is made upon order. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-01-05
7 瀏覽
I read about this place in 8Days, but frankly, the pizzas aren't very impressive. This joint invested in this special oven that heats up pizzas very quickly. They put each rectangular slice of pizza in this paper/aluminum foil wrap bag, pop it into the oven and serve it straight to you. It's does feel a bit like subway. The pizzas are really overpriced and the quality isn't fantastic. I had the tom yum flavor pizza which wasn't really tom yum in flavor, except for the chili flakes. The pizza is thin crust but not crispy enough. The tom yum sauce base was really rather bland and did not have much of the spicy - sour taste as expected from tom yum flavor. There was generous amount of cheese but it would be better if it melted a bit more. Perhaps the only good point was that there seems to be a lot of prawns, squid and mussels, the main ingredients, in the pizza. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
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