I had heard ALOT over the years about this little korean gem tucked away in the basement of Concorde Hotel, and I decided to try it finally heh. One weekday afternoon my colleague and I walked over for lunch and got to filling our hungry tummies.The set up of the place was not bad, its was a food court setting, but they had their own seating area and the cooking/service area was hugeeeeee. An old korean? lady took our order and we paid, then stood to a side to wait for our food. Efficient and ra
I had heard ALOT over the years about this little korean gem tucked away in the basement of Concorde Hotel, and I decided to try it finally heh. One weekday afternoon my colleague and I walked over for lunch and got to filling our hungry tummies.

The set up of the place was not bad, its was a food court setting, but they had their own seating area and the cooking/service area was hugeeeeee. An old korean? lady took our order and we paid, then stood to a side to wait for our food. Efficient and rather fast, our food was soon ready for collection.
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Tada! I chose the kimchi chigae (I always do haha) set, which came with a banchan (side dish) of either pickled cucumber, kimchi, or ikan bilis. Not a fan of ikan bilis and already having kimchi in my stew, I settled for the cucumber. After taking the requisite photos, we quickly tucked in. The broth was tangy and sour and spicy all at the same time, very yummy! I sampled a piece of kimchi, firm and crunchy, it wasn't as soft as I would have liked, and certain pieces (nearer to the heart of the cabbage) was a little too sour.
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Close up shot of my stew ^^ My colleague commented that no matter what angle you take kimchi chigae from, it always turns out bad -.- Either way, it was not bad. Eaten with the rice, the broth, which was a little too salty on its own, was balanced out nicely. My only peeve is probably that there was REALLY little meat in the stew. But then again, the whole set was $5.50, so no complains I guess.
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We also shared rice stew, dokbukki, between the two of us. I had high expectations of this, as it's one of my favourite things to order at dongdaemun. However, I felt that while the rice was sufficiently chewy, the sauce tasted like chee cheong fun sauce- thick sweet sauce. I really disliked it as I was expecting something more akin to my stew, tangy and spicy, with bits of kimchi in it. Oh well

Overall, the meal wasn't a bad one. Obviously it was not the best korean food I've had, but again, for the price, it was pretty not bad.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)