2013-04-26 18 瀏覽
Thanks to the recommendation of a dear ex-colleague, I had the chance to come to this place and have a taste of their really awesome food. Otherwise, I’m sure it will be one of those places that you walk past and never step in. She’s been a regular here and knows what to order so once we sat down, she rattled off the food orders much like someone who patronises weekly. =)I can’t really put a finger to what specific cuisine they serve because it is a mish-mash of bar grubs like wings and fries to
Thanks to the recommendation of a dear ex-colleague, I had the chance to come to this place and have a taste of their really awesome food. Otherwise, I’m sure it will be one of those places that you walk past and never step in. She’s been a regular here and knows what to order so once we sat down, she rattled off the food orders much like someone who patronises weekly. =)

I can’t really put a finger to what specific cuisine they serve because it is a mish-mash of bar grubs like wings and fries to
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returned it. Apparently this has been an on-going problem so guys do watch out if you order this dish. I’m sure I will come back again and try it since the others who did told me the soup is supremely sweet from the freshness of the little clams and their secret concoction of beer stock with garlic, chilli and onions.

The other signature dish is the Hainanese Roast pork. I know I know.. so weird to eat ‘sio ba’ as a bar snack right.. but seriously, for someone like me who doesnt love pork and what’s more, fatty meat, i really did like the crunchy skin at the top, the tenderness of the juicy & succulent meat with the complementary vegetables hidden under it to provide some balance to the dish. The dish also comes with 2 types of sauce, a dark sweet sauce and sambal chilli. Being a spice lover, the latter does it for me.. sedap!

Having not been able to taste the beer stock clams, the waitress recommended the garlic mussels. Im not a mussels person too but seriously, i had double the servings! the generous amount of garlic on top of it and topped with tobasco sauce of it… yummm.. *dreaming of eating it again*

Wings are wings but then there are bland, tasteless ones and the marinated ones. The wings from New Harbour cafe is belongs to the latter but given that there are so many other fantastic things to try on their menu, I might skip it in future.

Fries were ordered as an after-thought but they were fat-cut fires and provide a very nice bite. One thing that struck me about this place is that I realise they do place an emphasis on the different type of sauce they serve with each dish. The one that came with the fries was certainly very tasty but I can’t really tell what it was. All i can say is that the good people there have definitely given it some thought to the sauces and are probably even home recipes.

This place goes into my highly-recommended list and as a side note, I’m gonna be working around the area so my dearest friends, send me a message for a dinner @ new harbour anytime!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$25 (晚餐)
  • clams in beer stock
  • garlic mussels
  • hainanese roast pork