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The menu was simple. Traditional Korean dishes.Oh banchan.Loved the stewed potatoesblanched green vegetables with minced garlicikan bilispickled cucumberskimchiand beancurd strips.In that order. So how could you skip a bim bim bap? We had a pork option.The most delicious mix up of vegetables, meat and rice. <3Plus an order of a casserole for two on a rainy, cold and wet afternoon.And a squid that's ALIVE!Well it -was- alive.Spicy sour.Pure addiction.
Loved the stewed potatoes
blanched green vegetables with minced garlic
ikan bilis
pickled cucumbers
and beancurd strips.
In that order.
Plus an order of a casserole for two on a rainy, cold and wet afternoon.
Well it -was- alive.
Spicy sour.
Pure addiction.