2010-11-30 136 瀏覽
As was recommended on this page, I tried their yam paste dessert! I was feeling of wanting to have desserts this week. My colleague ordered the mochi balls with sesame paste inside and peanut sauce. All of the desserts are hot, there's no cold dessert. You can try the Tian Tian Yuan Dessert House, where I tried their ice kachang before! In general, they're all at $2.50, while the peanut and the mochi balls are $2 (other options are almond, peanut and one more which I forgot). The yam paste: THIS
As was recommended on this page, I tried their yam paste dessert! I was feeling of wanting to have desserts this week. My colleague ordered the mochi balls with sesame paste inside and peanut sauce. All of the desserts are hot, there's no cold dessert. You can try the Tian Tian Yuan Dessert House, where I tried their ice kachang before!

In general, they're all at $2.50, while the peanut and the mochi balls are $2 (other options are almond, peanut and one more which I forgot).

The yam paste: THIS WAS AWESOME. First, I was taken aback by the brownish color while I was expecting purplish. Like it matter but I'm just sharing.
Then, the paste was not thick creamy, it was really more liquid soft, and it was not too sweet; it tasted just great with the gingko nuts. You know if you eat the yam paste too much you'll feel that you can throw up, but this one, I think I can eat this all the way! Silken hot paste and not too sweet, just great!

The mochi balls are also one deeeeelish thing! Inside is not just peanut but with white sesame. And the clear peanut soup really is boiled with all its original taste without additional essence. The soup, again was not too sweet. My colleague and I both agree this was one great stall, I think we all diabetes people or not can enjoy such great things in this place!

The stall looked clean and it was an old lady/grandmother selling. THere was one pot for each, and the yam paste in a boiler, the mochi balls in one container, nuts in another, and the pastes/sauces in each tin. Pricewise is yes, a bit more expensive than the usual, but I guess quality and better treatment of the dessert is what you can't get anywhere!

I announce this as the best dessert stall ever with the very liquidy yam paste and all of them so much less-sweetend! Chinatown looses!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • yam paste
  • the mochi balls dish