2012-05-29 5 views
Believe it or not A and i still had stomach for dessert after our meal It's the famous fruit paradise that we heard are famous for their pies. However we didn't get to try it as we're too full but we did have the mother's day special (though we're not mothers!). the special was Shot Panna! We didn't really know what it was but since it was recommended we decide to try it! It comes in three little cute cups and the waitress was very nice when asking us we wanted to change the fruits if we don't
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Believe it or not A and i still had stomach for dessert after our meal
It's the famous fruit paradise that we heard are famous for their pies. However we didn't get to try it as we're too full but we did have the mother's day special (though we're not mothers!). the special was Shot Panna! We didn't really know what it was but since it was recommended we decide to try it! It comes in three little cute cups and the waitress was very nice when asking us we wanted to change the fruits if we don't eat them but we're fine with the original. It comes in green apple, mango and strawberry! this is my first time eating mango too, i swear i don't eat mango as it never cross my mind to try them
Anyway A force me to try a little mouth and i love it! It's sweeter than my strawberry
As for the green apple its more of a in between which we shared. It's like jelly and pudding layers for this dessert
Would recommend this and must come back to try the pies!!!
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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