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Showing 66 to 70 of 278 Reviews in Singapore
great Smile Jul 11, 2012   
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Categories : Portuguese | Steaks and Grills

Came to try nando's yesterday for my dinner and we arrived slightly before 7pm so we didn't have to queue at all. Managed to get the table at the side which was great because it is quieter too. Didn't know what to order actually until my friend suggest we take the student's meal which includes the quarter chicken and two sides together with a drink. I chose mild for the spicyness of the chicken as i cannot really take food that is too spicy but even though it is mild, it was already kind of spicy! The two sides that i chose was the peri potato salad and the spicy rice. The spicy rice wasn't even spicy at all and it tastes rather nice too. The potato salad was also not too bad. Overall i would say it was a pleasant meal at nando's. Would definitely come back here again next time. The student meal costs $13.90.

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AWESOME Smile Jul 09, 2012   
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Categories : Hawker Centre | Chinese Soup

I have always spotted a long queue at this stall everyday during lunch time but always didn't manage to try it. Today i went slightly past lunch time and was glad that there was only 4 people ahead of me in the queue. They take some time to cook your order but it is really worth the wait. The soup is so milky and so delicious that i almost finish every sip of it. The noodles are not really those thick white noodles we usually see but a thinner version of it which was great too. Lastly, They give around four pieces of fish and it was super soft. Overall, $4 for a bowl of awesome fish soup is really worth it. I would gladly queue again for this anytime!! One thing i want to mention is that the stall helper actually took my tray from me and help me to wipe away the excess water on it while waiting for my order to be done up, I thought that was a really nice touch and it is a good initiative on his part too! smile

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not bad  Smile Jul 09, 2012   
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Categories : Cantonese/Hong Kong

It is my second time visiting hong kong kim gary restaurant. Had to queue for around 30 mins before we were able to get a table as it was a saturday evening. The restaurant was rather noisy and we requested to change to a table nearer to the end and they were very willing to do so. Ordered the mix grill curry with rice and it was great, it was very worth it as the mix grill itself had sausage, egg, potatos, pork, chicken cutlet, corn in it. It costs $12.90 and although the curry was a bit too spicy for me, everything else was nice. My friend ordered their shrimp paste fried rice and it was not bad and it was very fragrant too. Lastly i ordered the condensed milk with butter bread and i feel that it is quite expensive as it was only a slice of bread but it costs $1.20 already. It is nice but i would not order that again the next time i visit kim gary. service was excellent despite it being a full house that night.



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fries! Smile Jul 08, 2012   
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Categories : Singaporean | Burgers and Sandwiches | Brunch

This is my second time eating the french fries from best fries forever. They actually have a sample of the various sauces that they offer on the counter and you can try out the sauce that you are interested in before you decide on getting it. I tried the gusto garlic and quite like it so i bought it. The french fries are fried after you have placed your order so you might have to wait for a while for it to be done> I like how the sauce goes really well with the fries and it was also quite filling for the stomach too. I would efinitely try the rest of the accompanying sauce next time too.

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ice lemon tea Smile Jul 08, 2012   
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Categories : Singaporean | Hawker Centre

This stall is very popular and has a long queue at lunch time especially. As i do not drink teh tarik, i decided to go with the usual ice lemon tea. It costs only $1 for their ice lemon tea and i really love it! It is not too sweet and they added a lime into the drink as well together with the lemon. At this pricing, i would definitely come back and order the drink again. Although there is a long queue, but i would say the queue moves fast and the people at the stall are also quite friendly too. Perhaps the next time i would try their lime juice! Definitely one of the nicest ice lemon tea that i have came across as it is of the right amount of sweetness.

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