Staying within this area my mum ordered the pizza and 1 macaroni sausage, 1 beef lasagna and 1 shepherds pie....Without a shadow of a doubt only 1 word to describe the entire experience... DISAPOINTING!!! There is in no way and the rock means no way that shepherds pie should contain moisture unless it is a stew... NOT ALL FOOD HAS TO HAVE MOISTURE ESPECIALLY PIES!!!! A little moisture will be ok but......... having a watery salty and cheesy filling does not go well together... I really mean it... The pizza was not well baked.... undercooked... I could taste the rawness of the onions and thats the truth and knowing that the truth shall set me free, i will tell you one thing.... If it is not this outlet then i am truly apologetic but because this is the closest to my place.
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6241 0241
Opening Hours
09:30 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
09:30 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
09:30 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
I always find pizza to be a type of food which is really suitable for bonding. It's round (as the Chinese, would say '团圆'), everybody eats from the same pizza (so you can't be selfish and finish everything by yourself), and the cheese sometimes requires the diner to put in a wee bit effort at tearing a slice away from the main pizza (damsel in distress, anyone?).And this Hawaiian pizza from Canadian pizza really helped to relieve the stress for my kakis that day. Somehow, our stress melted away with each bite and pizza being the good old comfort food it is, really made our tummies happy. With the cheese and chilli flakes, the taste was just as a Hawiian pizza should be, with the right amount of ham and pineapple slices. This pizza fed four adults comfortably. We did not order any other sides, except for soft drinks.
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