6737 3488
The classic Cantonese Roast redesigned and elevated to tease your taste buds thru the freshest ingredients. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
16:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
16:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
Online Reservation
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Fook Kin Signature Roast Triple Happiness Tofu Golden Lotus Roots Crisps Roast Duck
Review (1)
【新加坡中區】【福勁】被新加坡朋友知道咗我做 foodie 之後,大家對於飲食都有種無名嘅壓力,而紓解壓力嘅方法當然係享受美食。嚟到個名好有趣嘅餐廳 Fook Kin 試吓係咪真係咁好食。入到去就被佢哋嘅氛圍同埋裝修所吸引,就算嘢飲隻杯都一樣咁別出心裁,好期待啲食物。先試 S$29 嘅「Char Siew」同 S$28 嘅「Roast Pork」,兩者都係 300g 嘅中 size。前者係整得好焦香而濃郁蜜糖味嘅叉燒,後者係燒到皮脆肉嫩嘅燒肉。兩款肉類嘅口感同層次都相當分明,啱啱好,唔會過老或者過嫩,有啲香港嘅餐廳都未必做到呢個水準。跟住試兩款炭火燒鴨,兩款都要 boneless 嘅去骨版。S$22 嘅「Charcoal Roast Duck 1/4 Lower」即係下莊,加埋「Sweet Sour Plum Sauce」即係酸梅醬就夠晒惹味喇。而「Charcoal Roast Duck 1/4 Upper」嘅上莊位就收 S$18,呢碟點「Dang Gui Sauce」。佢係一個當歸味嘅醬,當歸味唔會影響到燒鴨嘅味道,正。之後試 S$11.3 嘅「Kang Kong」,揀咗 Sambal Fried 就變咗勁辣嘅通菜,嗜辣嘅朋友啱晒。五穀類有 S$10.8 嘅「Seafood Curry Mama」,係一個好香濃嘅咖哩麵,麵底就揀咗 Mama Mee,好有趣。另外加 S$3 可以有多碗「Mince meatee Pok」,係 with Chili 嘅,朋友都話好食同埋抵食。嘢飲朋友飲 S$3 嘅「Ice Tea」,我飲 S$7 嘅「Ice Tea with Sorbet Lychee」,差唔多嘅嘢,都幾好飲,只係我個杯多粒荔枝雪葩,飲到最後好似多咗荔枝飲品咁。食食吓由於個菜對我嚟講有啲辣,就試多款飲品,叫咗 S$4.6 嘅「Passion Fruit Soda」,正正常常嘅熱情果梳打一杯。價錢係 S$163.9,喺呢個地段嚟講,三個人食晚飯唔算貴。同埋佢哋有侍應識廣東話,溝通完全冇問題,令餐飯嘅氣氛更加溫情洋溢。。。(地址:111 Killiney Rd, Singapore, 239550)@fook.kin#1amfoodie #foodie #love #eat #1am新加坡 #新加坡 #fookkinsg #福勁 #新加坡美食 #FookKin #福劲 #SeafoodCurryMama #CharSiew #叉燒 #RoastPork #燒肉 #CharcoalRoastDuck #燒鴨 #KangKong #MincemeateePok #IceTea #PassionFruitsoda #1am1329 #1ambackup continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)