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This stall is right smack in the centre of Maxwell food centre, drawing crowds from all directions. It has a queue even at 2+ on a Saturday afternoon and hot favourites are the char siew rice and wanton noodles (with of course, the signature charsiew generously topping the noodles)At $4, the char siew rice is a hit with the people. I don't deny that one can find better char siew rice out there and at a cheaper price, but many seem to like this particular version. The roasted meat is crisp on the
At $4, the char siew rice is a hit with the people. I don't deny that one can find better char siew rice out there and at a cheaper price, but many seem to like this particular version. The roasted meat is crisp on the outside and carries a slightly burnt aftertaste. It smells and tastes smoky at the first bite, and this evolves to a meaty smell which I don't quite like. I've noticed that the slices of char siew are REALLY thick compared to other places, about half a cm thick. This attributes to the fact that the meat is chewier and does not seem as tender/lean due to the emphasis on the fattiness when the slices are thicker.
The sauce is mediocre at best, and doesn't give the dish much character. The chilli couldn't salvage the entire char siew rice either. I guess this isn't my thing because the meat had a certain smell that I wasn't comfortable with, and the sauce + chilli did nothing to salvage the already poor impression formed on my palate. Won't have it again.