1. Wash the chicken thigh thoroughly, pat it dry 2. Coat chicken with Kentucky Chicken Powder 3. Dip the chicken meat into the whisked egg 4. Coat the chicken meat with the Panko (set aside for 2 hours) 5. Heat oil in Happy Call Pan on medium heat 7. Turn down heat to low flame, place the chicken meat on Happy Call Pan and cover lid. 8. Open the lid and manually turn the chicken meat to the other side and cook for another 10 mins 9. Prepare a separate small saucepan, heat up the Lemon chicken premix till simmer 10. Lift chicken out of the Happy Call Pan 11. Cut the chicken meat accordingly and serve with the Lemon sauce drizzled over the meat
*Note: Remember to keep the heat low because the chicken thigh is rather thick and it takes a while to be cooked thoroughly; to prevent the surface of the chicken meat from being charred before the meat is cooked, the heat has to remain low.