2 eggs beaten 100g minced pork/chicken marinated with 1tsp sesame oil, 1tsp light soya sauce, pinch of salt, pepper, 1tsp potato starch (will give it a sticky texture to bind the meat together) Chopped carrot Chopped Spring Onion Marinate all together, leave aside for 30 minutes 2 to 3 drops of oil for heating up pan
1. Heat pan with oil in medium low fire. 2. Pour egg, swirl to spread the egg and to cover the whole pan. 3. Open to check if the egg is done. Only the bottom needs to be slightly golden brown. 4. Spread the mixture evenly on the egg crepe prepared earlier. 5. Carefully roll up the egg crepe with the mixture. 6. Return the egg roll to the pan. 7. Cook using low fire, covered. 8. Turn every 5 minutes till it's totally cooked, about 10 to 15 minutes. 9. Removed and sliced when ready to serve.