Molten Chocolate Lava Cake

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Molten Chocolate Lava Cake
Imagine using your fork to cut through the cake, to be greeted by the sight of thick, rich, gooey chocolate oozing out of it.
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Ingredient and Portion
You'll need the following ingredients:

Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate – approx 100g (increase it if you want more fudge)
Butter – 1/2 cup
Eggs – 2
Sugar – 1/3 cup
All-purpose Flour – 1/4 cup

This makes 4 ramekins/glass bowls/aluminium bowls
1. Melt the chocolate and butter together. You can use a double boiler for this or an oven.
2. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and sugar until it is of a light and fluffy consistency. Using an electric mixer will definitely make your job easier and get it done faster. It gets very tiring by hand)
3. Add the chocolate-butter mixture into the eggs and add the all-purpose flour and mix well.
4. Grease the bottom and sides of ramekins with butter and pour in mixture until 3/4 full.
5. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 250 deg C for approximately 10 minutes. Bake for a shorter time to achieve a gooey inside.
6. Sprinkle icing sugar all over the lava cake for decoration.
7. Serve warm with ice-cream, fruits or whipped cream.

Do serve the lava cake with sides such as strawberries or vanilla ice cream to balance out the sweetness and chocolatey-ness of the cake!
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