Salted Yolk Butter Prawn

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Salted Yolk Butter Prawn
From Happy Call Submit
If you prefer more taste to it, you can mix half portion of Kentucky flour and half portion of cornflour and use it to coat the prawns before frying.
Ingredient and Portion
20 medium prawns
2 salted egg yolks, rinsed and pat dry
3 cloves garlic, minced
corn flour
2 chilli padi, cut into small pieces (optional)
1. Remove head of prawn (you can also keep them if you like). 
2. Cut a slit at the back of the prawn, keeping the shell on and remove the intestine.  Season with a little salt.
3. Heat up a 2-3 tbsp of oil in HCP.  Lightly coat the prawns with cornflour and fried them on both sides till golden brown. 
4. You may need to add more oil after a while when it gets too dry to fry the prawn. 
5. Drain the prawns on kitchen towel when done.
6. Heat some butter in the HCP and fry the garlic till fragrant.  Add in the salted egg yolks to cook. 
7. Use the back of the spatula to mash up the egg yolks into small bits and mix with the butter.  Your mixture will look like a foamy, light paste.
8. Add in the prawns ( and chilli padi, if using) and give them a quick toss to mix with the egg yolk paste.
9. Serve warm.
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