1. Wash and pat dry chicken (I removed fats, leaving the skin). 2. Mix all ingredients in sauce together untl well-mixed and sugar dissolved. 3. Pour sauce over chicken and marinate for min 30 mins. 4. Heat HCP (I use med low fire). 5. Once the pan is ready, place chicken with skin side facing down. Close pan for abt 2-3 mins. 6. Open pan and manual flip the chicken to cook the other side for another 2 mins. 7. Open pan and drizzle more (leftover) sauce over the chicken and manual flip the chicken again (Skin side facing down). 8. Once the sauce starts to dry up and skin nicely glazed, you are done. 9. Dish out the chicken and drizzle remaining sauce in the pan over the chicken. 10. Add a dash of sesame seeds (optional).