Most people enjoyed Tom Yam Soup but how many knows that tom yam paste are also good for frying especially left-over rice. Whether for breakfast, lunch or dinner... just enjoy it...
2 bowl cooked rice (depends on how many people) medium prawns (depends on yr requirement) fresh cuttlefish (depends on yr requirement - slices) crab sticks (depends on yr requirement – cut half) 2 red chilies / chili padi (slices) 1 big onion (slices) few pieces of curry leaves few pcs lime leaves 1 pc lemongrass (smashed) 4 tbsp tom yam paste 2 tbsp fish sauces 1 tomato (cut 6 wedges) 1 lime (cut 8 wedges) 1 small can of peas 1 small can of pineapple (diced) 1 small can of button mushrooms (cut half) salt to taste 2 tbsp oil
1) Medium fire, pour oil in wok, chilies, onion, lemongrass, curry & lime leaves
2) Add in tom yam paste, stir continuously then add fish sauce
3) Stir in all the seafood, salt to taste, add in the rice
4) Lastly add in, the peas, mushrooms, pineapples & tomatoes
5) Stir another 10mins, serve hot
Don't throw away, left-over rice... keep in the fridge to be prepare for the next day breakfast, lunch or dinner.