Join in a gourmet waltz in three parts, combining the strength of the Roma Grand Cru, the fragrances of chocolate and delicate milk foam with a coconut aroma...Intermingling flavours to enjoy at your own pace.
2 capsules of Roma Grand Cru 3 or 4 spoons of vanilla syrup Hot milk Chantilly Chocolate (in pieces)
1. Prepare the milk froth with the Aeroccino milk frother or the steampipe of your Nespresso machine 2. Pour 3 spoons of the vanilla syrup into the glass 3. Prepare the 2 capsules of Roma Grand Cru in espresso (40 ml / 1.5 oz), pour it on top of the recipe glass and stir 4. Pour the milkfroth on top 5. Finish with some chantilly and chocolate.