How to Order Economical Rice Like a Pro
Chap Chye Png 杂菜饭, Cai Fan, Mixed Vegetable Rice, Economic Rice and Economical Rice – these are just some of the common names of one of Singapore’s favourite meals. You can find these stalls selling a colourful array of food almost anywhere in Singapore, and most of the time it’s an affordable meal. From vegetables to meat and fish, we wait in line to pick our selection of side dishes to accompany our rice. But did you know that there are some tips and tricks you can use when ordering mixed rice? Try these out the next chance you get – you might be surprised! 1. Don’t pick your vegetable dishes first – Vegetables are way cheaper than meat; so to avoid looking like a complete cheapskate order the meat first then pick your vegetables. What’s the good thing about not looking like a cheapskate? The guy behind the counter will probably give you bigger portions of meat! Remember, first impressions count. 2. It’s all in the pointing – When selecting your food, point at the dish of your choice for as long as you can. The person scooping the food will subconsciously give you more food due to your strong "I want that one" gesture. Stop pointing when he stops scooping. 3. Take your own sweet time – Don’t rush when choosing your dishes. The "scooper" will definitely ask for your next dish of choice but do not succumb to this trick. Wait till he is done with scooping one dish, then tell him what's the next one. If you state all your dish selections at one go, chances are you will end up with just 1.5 scoops of each dish! 4. Choose your words wisely – If you love your rice and want more, say you want a little more rice (多一点饭), instead of telling them to “add rice” (加饭). It’s likely that the person will give you more rice and not charge you for the additional portion. See Also: Enjoy Zi Char with your group of family or friends! Craving for more local food? Check out here
Mixed Rice
Cai Fan
How to Order Mixed Rice Like a Pro
OpenRice SG Editor
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