Ice-cream desserts to excite your sweet tooth
2017亞洲50大最佳餐廳 新加坡9家餐廳上榜
2017年「亞洲50大最佳餐廳」頒獎典禮日前于泰國曼谷圓滿結束,當晚也公佈了完整名單。今年共有9家新加坡餐廳榜上有名,3家名列10名以內,其中一家更直接打入了三甲名單,可喜可賀!第2名第9名  -
12 Singapore Local Dishes That You Need to Try!
For those travelling to Singapore for the first time, add these 12 local dishes to your must-try lis -
Best Restaurants Near Singapore’s Beautiful Gardens
Our beautiful gardens aren't just surrounded by lush greenery but a wonderful selection of restauran -
Best Picks for Café Hopping in Singapore
Cafe hopping this weekend? Here are 5 hotspots with at least five cafés in its neighbourhood to chec -
直到現在咖喱魚頭的來源依然值得被討論。有人說咖喱魚頭起源于印度,也有人說咖喱魚頭是在馬來西亞開創出來的菜色。咖喱魚頭的主要用料自然就是魚頭和咖喱醬了,還會加入茄子和秋葵一起烹煮。咖喱魚頭基本上分為 -
Best Eateries near Museums in Singapore
We’ve sussed out your best dining options in the vicinity of Singapore’s key museums to ease you up -
辣椒螃蟹!由徐炎珍女士於五十年代研發開創的辣椒螃蟹是一道結合鮮香甜辣四大絕妙滋味的開胃料理,餐具什麼的統統都不需要,用雙手去品味才是真諦! 你還沒嘗過這道聞名國際的辣椒螃蟹嗎?別擔心,小編這就為 -
說起新加坡道地美食,怎麼少得了蠔煎呢。蠔煎是新加坡人非常喜愛的小吃,肥美的鮮蠔加上煎得香香脆脆的麵糊蛋餅,又有誰能夠抗拒呢? 小編今天就來為大家盤點新加坡9大最美味蠔煎,不要錯過咯! -
Best Food Spots in Singapore’s Ethnic Enclaves
A visit to Singapore isn't complete without a trip to Chinatown, Kampong Glam and Little India.