Arriving by Bus: #2/12/33/130/133/960, Bustop Name: Bugis Junction, Bustop No.: 01119. Arriving by Train: EW12 Bugis MRT Exit C. Nearest Carpark: Bugis Junction Carpark (Basement). 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (51)
6238 8904
亞坤創立於1944年由黎亞坤創辦。亞坤咖椰麵包在新加坡是個家喻戶曉的名字。 1944年開業以來,亞坤憑著其招牌的咖椰土司,半生熟雞蛋及傳統咖啡和茶,吸引了一批忠實的海內外的顧客。憑著一個小攤位起家,如今的亞坤已是擁有七十年曆史的老字號,也遍布亞洲各國,在中國,印尼,菲力賓,泰國等等國家共開了一百多間分店。 繼續閱讀
07:30 - 22:00
07:30 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
雞肉叉燒吐司三文治 法式吐司配咖央醬 冰咖啡 咖央醬與花生蒸麵包 咖央醬吐司配牛油 水煮蛋
食評 (20)
等級1 2018-04-24
717 瀏覽
去新加坡梗係要去亞坤食早餐,因為星期日牛車水店好早收,所以我哋決定去怡豐城嗰間。咖啡及奶茶味道非常香濃,蛋漿加入醬汁及胡椒粉十分美味。麵包熱辣辣而且非常軟熟。非常香脆,而且入邊仲厚身牛油,麵包點上蛋漿味道一流。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2018-02-25
358 瀏覽
那!黎新加坡做野又點少得食亞坤呢其實我係無專登搕搵,但係行過路過又黠可以錯過☺️叫左最吸引既牛油咖椰多士😎👏🏻(肥妹仔系列,睇圖就知係食左先減系列)牛油大舊到你睇到佢,口味勁滿足,一口咬落去脆脆既多士配大口大口鮮牛油,丙加上咖椰醬,可以話係又甜又咸又脆既多重口感(熱辣辣食,牛油係半溶解狀態),令甜甜星人係酒店房食到嘩嘩聱👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻一份有4 舊,值得一試,有機會重想試下蒸既系列,下次下次下次一概可以試一試😊🤟🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-08-30
299 瀏覽
到新加坡必食既亞坤,分店很多,去到那裡每天都會路過不同分店,今天個胃終於有位品嚐一下了。一開始點了喇沙、咖央多士、朱古力咖啡,原先想喝熱奶茶,但天氣太熱,實在喝不下熱飲。估唔到杯朱古力咖啡出奇地好飲,朱古力及咖啡味都適中唔會偏甜或苦。喇沙賣相很好,未食已好香,面質爽彈,魚片豆卜亦爽口,蝦就雪蝦預了沒有什麼味吧。多士非常好味,面包夠脆,牛油充足,跟咖央醬非常配合,即使凍了吃仍然好脆坐了一會沒有咁熱後,點了一杯熱奶茶,好香,甜奶適中,但略嫌茶味未夠 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-10-07
273 瀏覽
I was at BHG Bugis and my empty stomach was drumming. I decided to have Ka Yun for my brunch. I ordered the Kaya set at a cost of $4.90. It comes with a cup of aroma coffee. Two half boiled egg and 4 portion of kaya toast bread. The set was sufficient for a small size lady. In fact, I did not consume the bread. I packed my bread for my afternoon tea bread at 3 pm and they were as good. The butter did not sip through the bread and it was as good as freshly toast. The eggs will smooth and children will love this. Of course, the meal will complete a cup of strong coffee. The coffee kept me await till 1 am on Saturday midnight. The store is small, pack and when a big crowd occupies the place, it is likely that the group will take longer than that. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-09-17
158 瀏覽
Was looking for a place to sit down after shopping around bugis and have some small bites. We came to yakun which is a cafe that is famous for its toast and soft boiled egg. Me and my friend shared a set of barley drink with kaya french toast which cost approximately $5 altogether. The french toast is very tasty! we like it a lot as it is very fragrant and flavourful. The staff is also very generous with the kaya given. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)