6291 4537
It remains a firm favourite with both local and foreigners and this is one of many place diners would come to savour a truly original bowl of Bak Kut Teh.
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
I used to come here very often with my family and hadn’t been for some time. I recently went again and we ordered the pork liver bak kut teh, fish maw bak kut teh, you tiao, tau pok, bean curd skin, mushrooms, egg and xiao bai cai. (My family members are pescatarian, hence the majority veg dishes.)Everything was good. Not great, but good. The liver was good and not 腥. You tiao could have been fresher, but served its purpose to soak up the soup. Veg options were decent and as expected.The soup doesn’t have the same peppery bite that it used to have, although the flavour was still well developed. It’s not quite what it once was, but I will return for the classic bak kut teh flavours and no-frills experience.
My family has been coming here for years. It is a classic bak kut teh eating house: busy, informal yet delicious. The service is quick with attentive staff, but the food is really where Ng Ah Sio shines. The broth is flavourful - perfectly peppery with a robust profile - and can be topped off if you need more, and the side dishes include vegetarian options in case any members of your party don't eat pork. Highly recommend the bean curd skin if you are looking for a side dish with a sweet flavour and chewy texture, The tau pok is another excellent companion to the bak kut teh. Make sure to arrive early to avoid the queue on busy days! Truly Ng Ah SHIOK!!!
酒店附近有2間著名肉骨茶店,步行距離只是10-20分鐘左右;今天就來吃黃亞細肉骨茶。經典肉骨茶只需S$7.8還有綜合肉骨茶 (即排肉及龍排)而且還有數顆蒜頭!濃濃的肉骨茶氣味散發,先喝一口湯,比之前一間更濃口味,胡椒拌著肉骨,加上差不多半顆蒜頭,味道非常濃郁!吃了一半左右,店員會前來送上肉骨湯;而且還可以添喝,我好像添了三次還是四次哩~這間的肉骨茶味道很濃厚,而且胡椒味頗多,感覺吃過後不會患感冒,哈~
問問人星洲肉骨茶哪一檔最好,總有人會推介「阿水」,阿水?即就是「亞細」黃亞細肉骨茶餐室喇,「阿水」是老一輩由福建來的移民所讀的發音!現場所見,由於時間早,不是有很多人,至少鋪內還有很多空位子。睇資料說肉骨茶分為新加坡的潮州派和馬來西亞的福建派,前者就落較少藥材,味道比較清淡,反而多了陣陣稍重的胡椒味,夏天飲有醒神的感覺;後者就下得藥材較多,所以味道比較濃郁,略帶甘苦,冬天飲有暖胃的作用,更可提高身體抵抗力。身處星洲,食到的自然是較淡的潮州派肉骨茶啦。招牌肉骨湯,很有趣,餐牌中文用了肉骨湯,又不是肉骨茶呢。份量不是很多,一碗有3條肉骨,其實淨肉得幾口,不過,湯裡的胡椒幾香,飲起來確是比加重藥材的福建派清新點。可能習慣了以為肉骨茶都是濃味,所以,初頭喝下時感覺怪怪的!鮮灼豬潤 ,是店內另一人氣之選,豬潤吃時新鮮無臊豬味,切得薄,口感帶爽,當然整碗湯也是重點,一定要喝完一滴不留。肉骨茶通常都和白飯或油條蘸來食,再配醬油、碎紅椒來吊吊味。所以,我們當然也點了炸油條和一碗大白飯同吃。有時太太都會在家煲羅漢果水,我都很喜歡喝,加上外間此刻都頗熱,所以,也點了一杯自制羅漢果涼茶來試試,果真有驚喜,冰凍的羅漢果涼茶,飲落很順喉,令人感覺很清涼,好過飲汽水啦。
See my full reviews & photos at = http://chefquak.com/2015/07/14/just-average-bakuteh-ng-ah-sio-on-11jul2015/we were at civil service club at tessensohn road on 11.7.2015. it was closed to 4pm. 4 of us decided to go ng ah sio at rangoon road nearby to have bakuteh.i have not come to this ng ah sio for the longest time, maybe 10 years, but i have been to ng ah sio at chui huay lim a few times & my experience there was good. the prime ribs were expensive, 2 pieces for S$8.50. soup was good, one friend said ng ah sio always too peppery. i thought so too, but found it quite ok this time. but i am more the rib person than soup person. we ordered 2 bowls prime ribs + 1 bowl spare ribs to share among 4pax. one friend was especially impressed with the ribs which were fork tender falling off the bones. for me i prefer a firmer texture like i used to enjoy at rong cheng 榕城 in sin min (though i hardly go there now as it is so easy to make my own bakuteh at home). i guess it is personal preference thingy.everyone loved the pig skin, no fat, all collagen, or so we had ourselves believed.^^ peanuts etc were usual. i don’t normally take extra dishes when i eat bakuteh since i mostly go for the ribs. you char kueh was soft as i expected. usually “lau hong” pre-cut in a bowl. nothing much to say about the veg. mee sua ok i guess, can replace rice for less carbs. ^^ overall it was just average for me. for S$8.50, i can do my own bakuteh (using 1/2kg fresh indonesian pork ribs from sheng shiong or 1kg of frozen ribs from chinatown market) at home as it is the easiest thing to make. there are so many good bakuteh places in singapore. for the more recent ones i been to, i still like rong cheng bakuteh best, & song fa bakuteh & also ng ah sio at chui huay lim. last time i went to lao ah tee bakuteh at boon keng i did not like it so much.