Arriving by Public Bus: #179 (Bus Stop Number 27251 - Innovation Ctr) Arriving by Train: Pioneer MRT - (EW28 on the East West Line) Nearest Carpark: Carpark A, NTU 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 21:00
07:00 - 15:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Mocha Soya Bean
食評 (1)
If you're looking for a drink at Canteen B to quench your thirst... it's either orange juice (which has zero pulp and tastes synthetic) or this dark chocolate drink (only 90 cents per cup)!!! This really tastes heavenly. Super cold and very very thick and generous serving of chocolate in it. Okay that is if you like chocolate. It is like milo but trust me x1000 better because it is concentrated chocolate without giving you a sore-throat kind of chocolate. You can fill up the cup as full as you like as long as it doesn't flow out. This is the one to order when you are here and honestly, I haven't seen this anywhere in normal hawker centres. All the other drinks taste very synthetic especially Mango Milk Drink (or others with similar naming), Chestnut Drink etc. Do not try them, you will be quite disgusted and never want to taste it after a few sips. Other than that this stall serves coffee/tea as well. If you want teh-peng, you need to make it yourself (ie. Go fill up your cup with the hot coffee and put ice in yourself). It is very self-service. They also sell breads and a whole host of potato chips/Pockys/biscuits and stuff like that. Basically it's like a mama shop. Very efficient too. 繼續閱讀
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