2010-10-06 34 瀏覽
Around the corner from 3 Inch Sin is Taste Matters, an ice cream dessert shop opened by a husband-and-wife team. It used to be a six-seat ice cream parlor but now, it’s solely a takeaway shop and no photography is allowed. I reckon business must have been quite good cuz owner Richard revealed that he’s currently looking for a bigger shop, so relocation is a real possibility in the near future. I was intrigued when I saw that yuzu ice cream ($5.50) is the special of the month. Yuzu sorbet I’ve ha
Around the corner from 3 Inch Sin is Taste Matters, an ice cream dessert shop opened by a husband-and-wife team. It used to be a six-seat ice cream parlor but now, it’s solely a takeaway shop and no photography is allowed. I reckon business must have been quite good cuz owner Richard revealed that he’s currently looking for a bigger shop, so relocation is a real possibility in the near future.

I was intrigued when I saw that yuzu ice cream ($5.50) is the special of the month. Yuzu sorbet I’ve had numerous times before, but yuzu ice cream? Nope, can’t remember when’s the last time I’ve had it, if ever. It’s sweet and sourish, creamy and smooth. Though it’s not bad, I still think yuzu makes a better sorbet than ice cream.

What knocked my socks off was the Dark and Sexy ($7.50, about 20mins waiting time)—a chocolate fondant that spills out insanely rich and dark chocolate lava like there’s no tomorrow. I particularly adore the distinct hint of espresso in it which brings out the bitterness even more.

My only grouse is that since it’s a takeaway shop now, the lava cake is inverted into a plastic cup after baking and the shape is pretty much “destroyed”, in the sense that the cake cracks open easily and the lava flows out without any probing. Which takes away my pleasure of breaking it open =( That’s one of the “highlights” of eating lava cake, isn’t it?
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