102 瀏覽
Was in Chinatown area and remembered that I've been meaning to check out this wuxia themed restaurant, and so we did. The deco is indeed very wuxia-fied and I was smiling to myself at the details they put up to further paint the wuxia scene. Their menu also offers a very different spread from our local Zichar. It's even more different than Lao Beijing or Dian Xiaoer. We took a leap of faith and ordered: 1) Braised Chicken with glass noodles - its actually a little spicy and they don't have a non
The deco is indeed very wuxia-fied and I was smiling to myself at the details they put up to further paint the wuxia scene.
Their menu also offers a very different spread from our local Zichar. It's even more different than Lao Beijing or Dian Xiaoer. We took a leap of faith and ordered:
1) Braised Chicken with glass noodles - its actually a little spicy and they don't have a non-spicy version as the chicken is pre-marinated with a little chill. J doesn't take spice but she loved it. She complained it being spicy but still ate two big bowls.
2) Big Bone Soup - the soup was super flavorful which led me to think that on top of the bones and vege, they must pop in some Ajinomoto lah.
3) Garlic Vege - simply fried with garlic but the vege is very sweet and fresh. Loved the taste of it!
4) Fried noodle - spicy (again) but my elder girl loved it too! We found it nice as well lah...
Problem with me reviewing this is that I failed to note the actual names on their menu and going by memory of what I ate is proving to be not very comprehensive. So in summary, we liked the food there because it's well-cooked and it's something different. Likely to bring friends there who speak better Mandarin than me to get a more awesome dining experience. Why? So I can fully understand the writings on the wall...literally.