267 瀏覽
The pho servings are big. Plenty of pho and flavour though I think there's definitely MSG in it.This is a good substitute for the Pho shop that closed down near Toy R Us.My sis ordered the dry version of the pho and it's a very refreshing taste indeed. My sis loved it and this was a huge serving too!We also ordered this Vietnamese pancake-thingie to share and apparently, there's no egg in it. Chef explained that he used a little turmeric powder to achieve the yellowish batter that looked like om
This is a good substitute for the Pho shop that closed down near Toy R Us.
My sis ordered the dry version of the pho and it's a very refreshing taste indeed. My sis loved it and this was a huge serving too!
We also ordered this Vietnamese pancake-thingie to share and apparently, there's no egg in it. Chef explained that he used a little turmeric powder to achieve the yellowish batter that looked like omelette! Very crispy and yummy indeed. Chef insisted that it's easy to make and went on to tell me the recipe. I'm not iron chef so many pearls of wisdom lost on me! Boohoo...
I won't mind going there when my Viet stomach rumbles again.