2012-01-15 30 瀏覽
On one of a less eventful day and stuck at home, I pulled my lazy body down to the shopping mall to get something to bite for tea. I would usually grab a waffle from one of the bakery and this time it would still be the case. I bought a piece of hot waffle that happened to be fresh from the waffle maker. I asked for peanut butter spread as it was my all time favourite spread be it for waffle or for bread. The smell of the hot waffle was so appetizing and inviting and I could not wait and took a
On one of a less eventful day and stuck at home, I pulled my lazy body down to the shopping mall to get something to bite for tea. I would usually grab a waffle from one of the bakery and this time it would still be the case. I bought a piece of hot waffle that happened to be fresh from the waffle maker. I asked for peanut butter spread as it was my all time favourite spread be it for waffle or for bread. The smell of the hot waffle was so appetizing and inviting and I could not wait and took a mouth of it once I stepped out from the shop. The waffle was very moist and soft and the peanut butter gave it a savoury and sweet taste. Yummy!
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