2010-08-28 18 瀏覽
The advent of crepes in Asia is not new but with recent reviews by food bloggers, I thought I might contribute an entry that I had the opportunity to try when I was in Singapore last weekend. I like my crepes. I like that I can make a whole meal out of something so simple but yet have limitless combinations. I like that savory buckwheat crepes seem to be so healthy and that it feels sinless to eat an abundance of these, notwithstanding that the contents of the crepe might be uber rich.Aside f
The advent of crepes in Asia is not new but with recent reviews by food bloggers, I thought I might contribute an entry that I had the opportunity to try when I was in Singapore last weekend. I like my crepes. I like that I can make a whole meal out of something so simple but yet have limitless combinations. I like that savory buckwheat crepes seem to be so healthy and that it feels sinless to eat an abundance of these, notwithstanding that the contents of the crepe might be uber rich.

Aside from Creperie des Arts, Entre-Nous is the only other authentic place I've now tried in Singapore. Both are owned and run by French so without having gone to Brittany, these are probably as authentic as they can be.

To maximize the visit, I had the set menu which starts with a choice of dry or sweet apple cider. I'm not much of a fan of too much alcohol but being a sucker for apple juice, the choice of sweet was obvious. But since I drove, B's choice of dry won.

The seafood and mushroom soup which kicked us off was surprisingly very good. Very tasty in which both seafood and mushrooms were almost equally represented, the result was well balanced and unlike its looks was not too heavy on the cream. The French dinner roll was great company too, and you can see the steam escaping as you peel it in half.

The classic of the La Biehat - a buckwheat galette filled with eggs, ham and emmenthal was a yummy combination. The only slight drawback was that the galette was a little more crispy than the one from Creperie des Arts and less chewy as I would have liked. But overall, the ingredients were good quality and each complemented the other perfectly. A great breakfast even at 9 in the evening! And the salad of loose lettuce leaves drizzled with a wholegrain mustard based vinaigrette was wonderful in its companionship.

Dessert was a sweet crepe with the house special Entre-Nous salted caramel. The crepe was eggy in fragrance and the perfect chewiness and was made heavenly when generously drizzled with the salted caramel. Not wanting to neutralize my workout but not prepared to leave without seconds, we ought a bottle of the salted caramel which the lovely lady said we can store at room temperature for up to a month. Sold! And I've been savoring it on my morning toast since.

Entre-Nous' setting is modern and bright as compared with Creperis des Arts' which is very Brittany country complete with sailor paraphernalia. But if I had my way, savory at Creperie des Arts and sweet endings at Entre-Nous.

For the original, visit edeats.blogspot.com
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$30 (晚餐)
  • Salted Caramel