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This is Eveli89 . I like to hang out in Orchard, Thomson, Joo Chiat. Japanese, Singaporean are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant, Hawker Centre and BBQ, Buffet , Steamboat/Hot Pot.
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Showing 31 to 35 of 314 Reviews in Singapore
Another Bean Curd Brand OK Dec 25, 2011   
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Categories : Hawker Centre

After dinner, he wasn't satisfied so he wanted to try the Lao Ban beancurd but I was too lazy to join the mad long queue. Thus, I saw the Bean Flower Water and decided to get the easy way out as there wasn't any queue.

What made me ordered from Bean Flower Water is their unique Blueberry Beancurd which got my attention.

I took away 3 flavours:

Blueberry taste is there, just that I feel kind of cheated. It was actually pour in syrup kind of thing, nothing original you see.

Same goes to the Strawberry.

The original flavour is still preferable but still not a match to the Lao Ban one!

Date of Visit: Dec 01, 2011 

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Mel's Place - Not Bad! OK Dec 24, 2011   
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Categories : Multi-Cuisine | Bars/Lounges | Pasta | Noodles | Pizza

If you are looking for Alfresco seating, this is the place!



Not only there's Live Telecast, there's live band as well!

If you are a drinker, and a football fans this is just the perfect place to hang out!

A lot of white collars are spotted here over a booze after work, simply because the environment is very relaxing especially after a day of work.

However, I felt that the Western Fare offer by Mel's Place still has room for improvement.


Teriyaki Chicken Pizza just didn't impress me.

Chicken Porcini $21.50

He said that the sauce wasn't to his liking.

Chicken Swiss $21.50

This dish is alright to me, the black pepper spaghetti is great but the chicken portion is too much and the cheese is the kraft cheese that is just place on top of the chicken. Apparently, the temperature of the chicken is not hot enough to melt the cheese which spoil the whole dish.

I will be back for drinks but not so for the food.

Date of Visit: Dec 01, 2011 

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Categories : Singaporean Chinese | Restaurant | Seafood | Zi Char

There's inside and outside sittings, the service here is one of the tip top services as there are a lot of waitresses around and they are very attentive. It is hard these days to enjoy such services.

There are hits and misses, depend on what dish you order.

Kang Kong here is good, nothing to complain about.

The problem lie with the beancurd, the beancurd itself is tasteless - there's no flavour at all.

Fu Rong Egg isn't a dish that stand out, just simply a dish that's o-k-a-y.

The Assam Fish save it all! The Assam sauce is spicy and it is sour enough plus the fish is very fresh. But after having the sauce a few times, I just felt that it is too spicy but it was additive though. Maybe a little bit of sugar will aid, then it will be sweet, sour and spicy!

You might want to explore The Famous Kitchen yourself, worth exploring.

Date of Visit: Nov 23, 2011 

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Healthier Meal OK Dec 04, 2011   
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Categories : Singaporean | Food Court | Steamboat/Hot Pot | Kids-Friendly

The fried fish noodle here is one that is average but a healthier choice! The soup is not thick, even after adding the milk the soup taste alright - not too bland just right. But if you are looking for very flavoursome soup base than this stall will disappoint you a little.

The fried fish wasn't oily, you won't spot oil on the top layer of the soup which is good!

If you are dieting or feeling sick, this dish will suit you fine.
Date of Visit: Nov 22, 2011 

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Categories : Singaporean | Restaurant | Porridge/Congee

I haven heard of A1 Porridge despite the amazing 19 outlets they now own. It was only when I was sick and was looking for porridge along Upper Thomson then I found this A1 Porridge and decided to give it a try.

A1 Porridge doesn't really sell solely porridge, they sells claypot dishes, hot plate dishes and some soups:

I was so tempted to try out some of the claypot dishes but as a sick person I couldn't and my choice was limited to porridge.

The Chicken Porridge ($5.90) texture is very smooth, just that too much sesame oil is added which somehow spoil the original taste of the porridge. The portion of the porridge is good enough for 2. I couldn't finish the porridge alone.

Claypot Sesame Oil Chicken ($7.90) he felt that the chicken could be marinated longer to soak the fragrance of the sesame oil.
Date of Visit: Nov 15, 2011 

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