The Purple|Blue Diet
After the brief introduction to Colour Cuisine, lets continue the Simplicity of Somethings series with the Blue and Purple colours. Blue, often painted as the colour of the sky in the art of many children. That is by far, the best representation of this colour. Think clear blue sky, would that not put a smile on your face? What comes to your mind when we talk about Blue or Purple foods? Wine? Grapes? I'm sure many of us are aware that drinking red wine made from purple grapes is good. But just what are the benefits? In a study that is currently conducted by National Cancer Institute in American, both grape juice and wine contains antioxidant components that acts as a neutralizing agent for carcinogens. That prevents abnormal cells from becoming cancerous and even heals cancer cells back to its pre-damaged condition. Research from University of Wisconsin Medical School also shows that grape juice plays a big healing and protecting role in heart maintenance. Not just does it reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol, it also improves elasticity of arteries. The best part is, grape juice, when taken in the right quantity, reduces platelet clumping which then efficients the blood flow in the body. Other than wine or grapes, blueberries, which is also known as brain-berry to many food researchers is perfect to incorporate in a Blue/Purple diet because blueberries are a powerhouse of antioxidant and anti-flammatory protection. Because of its ability to clear off more free radicals than 50 other fresh fruits and vegetables, it is actually able to reverse some aspects of aging. According to Daniel Nadeau, M.D., director of the HealthReach Diabetes, Endocrine, and Nutrition Center, in Hampton, N.H., “It doesnt matter if they're fresh or frozen, in a smoothie or on your cereal. Just start adding them to your diet. ... The results could be better memory, an improved quality of life and the ability to live independently longer. ... you may start feeling better in just a few weeks.” Just the formulation of this article is ready to get me adding more blue and purple food into my diet. Join me, I think it is going to benefit us in a long way. So in today's kitchen with Chef Clement, we shall demonstrate the following 3-course meal.
Here's a video demonstration of how to prepare a 3-course Blue cuisine. You can also find the full recipes on how to cook up the Pan Fried Aubergine (Egg Plant) With Balsamic Vinegar and Thyme, Pork with Balsamic Blue Berry Sauce and Berry Crumble. For starters, the Pan Fried Aubergine (Egg Plant) With Balsamic Vinegar and Thyme is an interesting dish. I believe that egg plant has an acquired taste, like bitter gourd so not people can stomach it. Yet interestingly with the balsamic vinegar and the bread as the base, the egg plant doesn't taste that non-routine after all. You will find that the texture for the vegetable is still there while the sour taste of the vinegar blends really well with the egg plant's unique taste. A simple lingering aftertaste of the thyme leaves completes the whole dish. You should really try making Pan Fried Aubergine (Egg Plant) With Balsamic Vinegar and Thyme at home. It's a simple recipe that takes less than 7 minutes to prepare. A little tip from the Indo-American hospital, When boiled in soup, eggplant serves as a good tonic for the liver. Washing hands in water that contains sliced eggplant can help cure hyperhidrosis. As for the Pork with Balsamic Blue Berry Sauce, be very surprised by presence of the blueberry taste in the pork. It was really good. Its fascinating how the fruity taste stays in the pork although they didn't have the chance to interact much. Unlike how I have otherwise felt when it comes to eating pork slices, this was very different. I felt that adding the salted butter gives the pork the right amount of seasoning which may otherwise fall flat. The Berry Crumble made a really good dessert, It wasn't just the berry fruitiness that makes it so scrumptious, but it is also the crumble that fills up the tummy. I'm sure you don't want to eat desserts that are not satisfying but increases the calories count. That said, this dessert is well worth the calories. The sweet and sour berry goodness and the simple crumble. Its so easy to make and so fulfilling to consume. It's really not that hard to eat right or even to prepare a delightful colour meal. Join us on the next Simplicity of Somethings episode. We shall learn how to prepare the Orange and Yellow cuisine. Sources: Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 25, October 2001 Colourful Cuisine, Vegetarian Times, (last retrived: April 2002) Medicinal Secrets of Your Food, Oscar. Prof. Dr. Aman, Secretary Indo-American Hospital, 1985 ---
Simplicity of Somethings is where you go on a healthy, natural adventure with OpenRice Writer Amanda and Chef Clement, owner of Eden Sanctuary, a homely café specializing in healthy, natural delights. Eat clean for a healthier you Customise your meal with these DIY restaurants
Simplicity of Somethings
Chef Clement
Eden Sanctuary
Colour Cuisine
OpenRice SG Editor
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