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nice yam paste  Smile  2012-10-20
lovely yam paste. not super sweet but it's still rather sweet. it hardens into a gel-like pudding when cooled. but stir it around and it becomes creamy again. a few gingko nuts on top is a must. it brings our the flavour of the yam paste...

nice pancakes  OK  2012-10-20
The pancakes here are the traditional type. the peanut was rather soggy, but the pancake pastry was fresh and fragrant. it transported very well. would prefer the peanut to be crunchier and fresher. it's not very sweet, which was good. co...

nice cakes  Smile  2012-10-20
the hazelnut cake was nice. no, it's not a nutella cake. just nice chocolate sponge with hazelnuts and hazelnut cream layer. the fresh cream covering is sweet and fresh. overall, a very good cake. a whole one is about $39. keeps very wel...
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