6339 8198
Opening Hours
13:30 - 00:00
Mon - Thu
12:30 - 00:00
12:30 - 01:00
13:30 - 01:00
13:30 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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新加坡甜點真的很少大多是熟食,這間「阿秋甜品」在TripAdvisor排名45,Google千人評論評價4.2分,後來也吃了排名第33的「味香園甜品」,大熱天的吃個冰消消暑氣,挺爽的!阿秋甜品在新加坡有兩間分店,我前往的是武吉士。 ///INFO///阿秋甜品(BUGIS) / 官網 / 菜單FB:https://www.facebook.com/ahchewdessertsSG/地址:1 Liang Seah Street, #01-10/11 Liang Seah Place Singapore 189032.電話:+65 6339 8198營業時間:週一至週日 12:30 - 00:00 平日來人雖多但不用排隊就可入內,翻桌率算高,裝潢挺有中國風格,空間舒適,這是我來新加坡第二次,每次來天氣都熱到炸掉,所以推薦你飯後一定要來個涼爽的甜品是必需的。 阿秋甜品菜單販售甜湯、小點心、飲料、榴蓮系列甜點 (完整菜單連結)。 糖不甩/4粒 $2.4沾滿花生糖粉的糯米,看起來很像台灣的麻糬,是軟嫩帶黏性QQ香香的口感,有香濃的芝麻跟花生內餡,甜滋滋的,蠻好吃的。 楊枝甘露 $4.5香港著名甜品,內有芒果、柚子粒、西米露,芒果還不少挺順口香甜的,跟在香港吃到的差不多,在這熱帶東南亞國家吃上點涼的很舒服。 百合紅豆沙(小) $2.7這道是熱甜湯,舀起來紅豆湯是濃勾勾黏稠感,見不到一粒紅豆顆粒,裡頭是有口感的百合,還化龍點睛添加了陳皮,帶著特殊果香味,看起來普通,但卻很有香港的水準與火候,非常非常的好吃。 ///INFO///阿秋甜品(BUGIS) / 官網 / 菜單FB:https://www.facebook.com/ahchewdessertsSG/地址:1 Liang Seah Street, #01-10/11 Liang Seah Place Singapore 189032.電話:+65 6339 8198營業時間:週一至週日 12:30 - 00:00 歡迎加入▲女子的休假計劃▼粉絲專頁
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Along the whole stretch, there are 3 dessert stores selling local style desserts. Yet this one in the middle of the row of shophouses, usually is most popular. It occupied 2 shop units.It was a Sunday afternoon, yet the place was packed and one had to queue up to wait for a table. About 10 minutes, we were showed to a table in front of the counter at the air con area.Worn out menu framed the table top. The outlet was decorated in a traditional chinese style, with traditional chinese red wood furniture around.Order was taken at the counter with payment together. Food was later served to the table. So remember to take note of table number before ordering.Mango Sago with Pomelo 杨枝甘露 ($4.50)Cooling down with a bowl of this. The standard seem to have dropped a lot. While refreshing, the taste was rather watered down. The ice was in little cubes, not shaved ice. Could not taste puree mango in the water. It tasted more like mango flavouring with evaporated milk. The only saving grace was the juicy sweet mango cubes.Gingko, barley, and bean curd skin soup ($3) in cold versionMy partner who was having it. remarked that it smelt a bit off and had rather hard gingko nuts (felt like bought off the shelves type).Maybe business getting too good these days.
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I had a habit of eating dessert after meal and found this stall while shopping with my friend.The are a lot of varieties and we took a long time to decide our orders.We had picked Yam paste & Durian mango sago. The yam paste was super duper nice! Tthe paste was thick and did not have a coconut milk in it. It looks like the authentic teochew style yam paste! kudos!!!! It was piping hot when it's being served to us. The staff was kind enough to give us an extra bowl and spoon for us to share between ourselves.The durian mango sago was good as well. The mango was sweet and blended well with the durian and sago. It was near tea time when we arrive but the queue is acceptable.Waiting time is about 10minutes. We will definitely go back again for more.
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For more reviews, visit www.umakemehungry.comAh Chew Desserts has been one of my favourite places for dessert whenever I'm in Bugis area. Besides its wide variety of hand-made hot and cold desserts, the interior of Ah Chew allows diners to appreciate the Chinese Heritage with its thick wooden tables and chairs furnishing as well as the nostalgic Chinese art and crafts at its surroundings.Although they have expanded from one shop space to two, queues are still inevitable as the place is always full house.Menu is placed at every table protected by the glass top and be sure to be spoilt for choices.A cooling and refreshing dessert to reduce the heat in the body with a bowl of water chestnut and herbal jelly. Dessert was served chilled with crunchy chestnut bits as well as egg whites. Herbal Jelly was wobbly, smooth and cooling.One of my favourites order, Mango Sago with Pomelo. Together it comes in bright yellow milk color filled with transparent sago, pomelo pulps as well as fresh mango cubes. It tasted funny to me and I will prefer the former to this.Last but not least, Ah Chew has opened their 2nd outlet, located in Goldhill Centre (Novena), next to Burger King.
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I always love coming here for a post late night movie snack.. They open till midnight though their new outlet at novena closes at 11pm. Can't wait to check out their new outlet at novena, at least now there's an Ah Chew closer to home, sadly it doesn't open till midnight.The interior of Ah Chew, reminds you of olden day chinese homes, with wooden stools with a marble top, and heavy marble top table with wooden legs. Relatively "cheap" desserts in comparison to the offerings in Bugis Junction and you can't go wrong with a bowl of cold mango sago with pomelo or watermelon! it's so refreshing! I just wish that they had some munchies to go with!
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