Opening Hours
08:00 - 15:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 15:00
Payment Methods
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Cash Only
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Review (5)
Feel free to visit my site: http://thedessertprince.com/eng-kee-bak-kut-teh-daydreaming-bak-kut-teh/I like to dream. Dream about the sweeter things in life… That’s how I like my life to be and recently, I kept dreaming of those tender pork ribs partially submerged in a bowl of pepperish broth I had back sometime ago over at Eng Kee Bak Kut Teh.Although the stall is housed amidst the unassuming Teck Ghee Food Center, it’s barely unnoticeable especially with the long queue in front of the stall. It’s like everyone (that I know off) associate Teck Ghee Food Center with Eng Kee’s bak kut teh and true enough, they even end up being recommended by KF Seetoh in his Makansutra 2011.I still vividly recall sinking my teeth into those ribs. It’s a simple process. Pick the rib either with your hand or chopsticks from the pipping hot soup and then ripping your way till you hit hard bone. Of course, ripping is an overstatement since everything falls out with a simple pull. Afterwhich you tuck the bones next to your bowl of rice and take another one.Another of Eng Kee’s specialty; ter ka or pig’s trotters stewed for hours in a broth of black soy sauce. A must have if you’re a die hard pig fan. It’s no doubt sinful but given a chance, I’m willing to take the risk and attempt a bowl of fatty cholesterol on! Any friends care to tag along?A bowl of rice to go with everything else and viola! A complete bak kut teh meal and how I wished I’m back for more again. And I guess I have to keep myself occupied daydreaming till another day… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-11-07
Being a bah ku teh lover of me, I held high expectation of the soup base.This soup base might not be as spicy as I expect it to be, but it is one of the best I have tasted. Yes, the soup might look clear and might look tasteless but when it touched your taste bud you can literally taste the spice by the pepper that is used to cook a good bah ku teh soup base.As you can see, the pork ribs are really fleshy with a good amount of fats that helps to gives a softer texture. When mixed with the sauce, it is really heavenly. One of the good sauce also have to include a lot of small chili padi , initially it was too little but I asked to add more.The preserved or salty vegetables is not very salty maybe because it has been soaked under salt water that reduce the alt content in it. However, I would very much love it to be much saltier. Nonetheless it still taste good as it is a little bit sweet , I assume they used some sugar to marinate it to make it less saltier.Pig trotter does not look appetizing but the taste is there. I don't really like it but my mom said the vinegar has been adequate and the meat has absorb the vinegar to the maximum which gives a really good taste of what a good pig trotters should be.The intestine of the pig, one of my all-time favorite. I especially like this one as they did not remove what is inside the intestine like what other stores like "kway chup" did. It is chewy and also loaded with pepper spice. What can I say about this dish that fills my tummy up? One word: Great! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-29
The waiting time can be crazy if you come during weekends. It is difficult to get a table then too. Most of the customers seated near this stall were either having bak kut teh or pig's trotter or both. The pig's trotter is the must order here. We always requested to have the part from the hind leg. This part is known to be less fatty and more meaty. Their bak kut teh is a must try too. The texture of the bak kut was nicely cooked to the right texture. The meat has got a noticeable tenderness that pulled away from the bone easily. I do not quite like their salted vegetable though. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-12-14
Some of those days when i am too lazy to cook then the best alternative is to take away a serving of Pig's Trotter and Preserved Vegetable for dinner. Their Pig's Trotter is mines and Grandpa's favorite. It was nicely braised in quality soya sauce. I loved particularly that layer of fatty skin. I know it is not too healthy but having it once in a while can be a nice indulgence. The Pig's Trotter braised long enough to give the meat a softer texture. I just need to be given a bowl of white rice and even with only the sauce and i have absolutely no issue in finishing it. It can get pretty crowded over here during weekends and waiting time can be crazy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)