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Teppanyaki is a Japanese concept kind of cuisine where your food is being cooked on a iron grill Infront of you.The Teppanyaki store at Orchard Wisma Atria although is part of the Food Republic, have it's own space and store front so you don't have to squeeze with the rest of the food court crowd when you are here.For my meal, I order the Basic Lamb Set ($9) which comes with a portion of Lamb, Vegetables, rice and a bowl of soup.The portion of vegetables and lamb is actually quite big for 1 pers
The Teppanyaki store at Orchard Wisma Atria although is part of the Food Republic, have it's own space and store front so you don't have to squeeze with the rest of the food court crowd when you are here.
For my meal, I order the Basic Lamb Set ($9) which comes with a portion of Lamb, Vegetables, rice and a bowl of soup.
The portion of vegetables and lamb is actually quite big for 1 person. Very worth.
I enjoyed the lamb very much, it was well prepared and goes really well with the gravy.
There was a promotion to add $1 for a drink or an extra dish as well.
Best thing is, there is no gst or service charge. All the prices are nett.
[Review from mobile]